WNHGO: Women’s Nine Hole Golf Organization
The Women’s Nine Hole group hosted an MVTMA A-Team match at ANCC Arlington on May 8. Twelve visiting clubs participated in morning golf matches and enjoyed the beautiful course, great luncheon, and overall impressive club facilities. Thanks to the Pro Shop, Catering department, and Rita Kuntz (A-Team Captain) for organizing such a nice event. Players shown from left to right: Lillie Simpkins, Shannon Bibb, Jo Ellen Fowler, and Maureen Carita. The WNHGO Memorial Cup tournament was held on May 14 & 21 in Fairfax. Congratulations to our top five winners: Shannon Bibb (1st); Becky Fulgham (2nd); Penny Wood (3rd); Marcia Carlucci (4th); and Kate Suggs (5th). The Haffey Family Memorial Tournament is a 2-day Ringer tournament scheduled for June 7 & 14 in Arlington. Sign up is through the ANCC calendar here . The first day is flexible, you may walk or ride. Day 2 has an 8:30 am Shotgun start, so please arrive for check-in no later than 8:00 am. Luncheon follows on Day 2. If you have any questions, contact Rita Kuntz (703) 909-5217 or ritakuntz@gmail. com or Ketty Farrell (703) or kfarrell900@gmail.com .
CWGO: Career Women’s Golf Organization
The CWGO recently held its Memorial Stableford tournament on a chilly, rainy day at Fairfax. Over twenty CWGO members braved the conditions, with Cathy Vandermaarel emerging victorious! Congratulations to Cathy! Unfortunately, our Charity Fourball tournament, originally scheduled for 11 May, had to be rescheduled due to weather. Stay tuned for details on the new date. We are hopeful for some sunny weather at our future events! Our CWGO Interclub team has won its match against Westwood Country Club and has additional matches scheduled for future dates this summer. Thank you to our team members for representing ANCC! Our weekday play days at Arlington (Wednesday) and Fairfax (Thursday) are ongoing! Please click here to sign up. If you are considering membership and have any questions, please contact CWGO.membership@gmail.com . Hope to see you out there!
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