Secretary’s Message By Col D’Anne Spence, USAF, Ret.
The Army Navy Country Club Annual Meeting will be held on Monday, 7 October 2024 at the Arlington Clubhouse. At the meeting, we will elect Resident Members to the Board of Governors to serve for the period October 2024 to October 2027. Our By-Laws provide that only Resident Members may stand for election to the Board. At this year’s Annual Meeting, we are presently scheduled to elect 13 Governors. We will elect 6 Governors from those Resident Members who are on Active Duty or Selected Reserve Resident status. We will elect 7 Governors from those Resident Members who are in the All Others status. We will ensure that nomination forms are available in the Administration Office and on the Club’s website no later than Monday, 3 June 2024. To ensure the publication of the nomination in the Annual Meeting Packet, we must receive the nomination no later than Monday, 8 July 2024. We will permit nominations from the floor at the Annual Meeting, but please advise me of any such notifications prior to the meeting so I can ensure the floor nomination is of a qualified Resident Member. The use of military rank for nomination and election purposes is permissible under Title 10 of the US Code. For example, an Active Duty army officer may identify herself in the form of “CPT Jane Doe, USA,” and a retired army officer may identify herself as “CPT Jane Doe, USA (Ret.). Former military officers may not use their former rank as a preface, but may use their highest wartime rank as follows: Ms. Jane Doe (CPT, USA). I strongly encourage those who are interested in serving on the Board of Governors to familiarize themselves with our By-Laws, Club Rules, and Organization Manual. I am available to answer any questions you might have about this process at or by phone: (703) 835-4108.
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