Pink & Blue Spring 2024

You Got This, Mama! Valcour-LeDuff has met a lot of patients who believed natural childbirth was something they couldn’t do. “They want an unmedicated birth, and their family or friends scare them and put that fear into them,” she explains. Trust yourself, and trust that your body is doing what it was created to do. You can always assures Valcour-LeDuff. “The only time you cannot get the epidural is if the baby is coming out.” Remember, all births are beautiful. Regardless of the chosen path, this journey is a testament to the strength, resil- ience, and beauty of the human body. With each birth, a new chap- ter unfolds, filled with love, joy, and the promise of new beginnings. change your mind too. “You are in control,”

Natural childbirth is not a limited method, meaning any woman can do it. Sometimes, childbirth hap- pens so fast that it really can hap- pen anytime, anywhere, even if it’s not what the mother had originally planned. In the end, Valcour-LeDuff says, “There’s no right or wrong way to do it.” How to Prepare Laboring without an epidural demands mental fortitude and a robust support system. Perhaps the most important thing is being mentally prepared to navigate the physical and emotional intensity of childbirth. Doulas, nurses, part- ners, and family members form the cornerstone of this support network, offering comfort, encour- agement, and guidance throughout the process. Valcour-LeDuff emphasizes that

contractions, while intense, are transient, so remember you will have moments of respite in be- tween. This is where you will really start to lean on those around you. As with all childbirth methods, preparation classes are extremely informative and helpful for both mom and her partner. Many birth centers and hospitals will offer group classes for families and couples, as well as hands-on technique classes to prepare you for the entire labor and delivery process. Researching and meeting with a midwife or doula is also a wise decision, so you’re guaranteed a partner who will con- tinue to educate and support you throughout your birthing experi- ence. Of course, if you have a home birth, that will be unmedicated. But hospitals and birthing centers will also give you the option to go the natural route if that’s what you choose.

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