Hands for Living_Splinting and Treatment of Ulnar Neuropathy

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How Hand Therapy Helps Ulnar Neuropathies

Call today to schedule an appointment At Hands for Living, our certified hand therapists are experts at treating nerve- related injuries. We have proven success with using splints to help resolve ulnar neuropathy. Call today to schedule an appointment with one of our specialists and see if an ulnar nerve sprint is right for you!

Many cases of ulnar neuropathy can be treated without surgery. Our certified hand therapists will perform a comprehensive evaluation to determine the activities that bring on your symptoms. In more advanced and persistent cases, your hand therapist will modify your activity and recommend you use a splint to take the pressure off the nerve. The most common types of splints include: • Custom splints: These will be fabricated to ensure proper fit and function. They are primarily used to provide support, protection, pain relief, and function/mobility. • Elbow blocking: These splints use a strap behind your elbow to keep your elbow straight. • Elbow pads: These are the regular elbow pads that you can buy at any sporting goods store. Instead of wearing the pad on the back of the elbow, it is moved to the front of the

elbow, preventing the elbow from bending and thereby alleviating pressure on the nerve. As your condition improves, your therapist may teach you: • Range-of-motion exercises. Targeted exercises to restore mobility of muscles that may have shortened due to protective positioning. • Strengthening exercises. Improving strength in the surrounding muscles can help reduce pain and improve or restore function. • Nerve gliding exercises. You can mobilize the nerve to promote blood flow and healing. Our hand therapists will listen to your concerns and teach you ways to avoid positions that compress or put a prolonged stretch on the ulnar nerve. Our goal is to resolve your condition and prevent further re-injury.

We want to help you live pain-free, regaining and maintaining the ability to do the things that you love to do! Schedule your appointments TODAY.


Sources: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5690317/; https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4896870/; https://emedicine.medscape.com/ article/1141515-treatment#d10; https://www.choosept.com/guide/physical-therapy-guide-cubital-tunnel-syndrome

Hand Exercise Relieve Hand Pain, Strengthen Hand

1.Hold your hand up with fingers straight. 2.Curl finger tips as shown. 3.Straighten fingers and thumb to make a “duck-bill.” HAND TENDON GLIDES





4.Curl fingers at middle joints as shown. 5.Curl finger tips into palm. At each interval, hold for 5 seconds. Repeat the entire exercise 10 times.



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