One of the most important decisions that you can make regarding your retirement is
selecting the right type of product that gives you the peace of mind of knowing that your hard-earned savings is there when you need it. For many, one of the building blocks of their retirement foundation is a tax-deferred annuity.
When it is time to start planning for retirement, selecting a financial plan that works best involves assessing your goals, time horizon and risk tolerance. Using a single premium deferred annuity inside a financial plan can provide a solid foundation. A single initial premium earns a fixed rate of interest thus allowing your money to grow on a tax-deferred basis until you decide to begin receiving annuity payments. The CL Sundance Annuity offers a 2-, 3-, or 5-year interest rate guarantee period designed to align with the specific needs of your financial plan.
The ability to defer paying taxes until a later date is a major factor. When given an equal interest rate, money will grow faster when taxes are deferred when compared to paying taxes on earnings every year.
MORE ADVANTAGES Besides the tax-deferred
benefits, fixed annuities offer many other advantages such as:
STABILITY of realized growth each year (power of compounding upon itself).
MAY AVOID PROBATE because you name your beneficiaries.
LIQUIDITY FEATURES that provide access to funds when needed.
GUARANTEED INCOME that will ensure that you will never run out of money. NO RISK TO YOUR PRINCIPAL , no market fluctuations. 100% of your money is working for you.
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