CWU UA FY22 Impact Report

CWU Foundation Board

We thank our dedicated alumni and friends who served as members of the board of directors of the CWU Foundation in FY22.

Chair – Ralph Conner (‘88) Vice Chair – Wendy Iwaszuk (‘97) Treasurer – Joe Adams Secretary – Amy Hanson (‘90) Past Chair – Angy Smith (‘95) Jim Wohlpart, CWU President Aaron Christophersen (‘92)

Janet Backus (‘72) Pete Barlow (‘71) Kelly Bengston (‘96) Jason Davis (‘97) John Delaney (‘74) Leonard Hill (‘12) Ozo Jaculewicz (‘95) Fred Kohout (‘81) Greg LeClair (‘77) Scott McCammant (‘82) Jim Ockerman (‘86) Jeff O’Donnell Ben Remak (‘79) Freda Zimmerman (‘90)

We thank the 392 first-time donors who offered their support in FY22.


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