CWU UA FY22 Impact Report

To the Wildcat Family—

As we celebrated life back together this year on our Ellensburg campus and at our centers across the state, we are so grateful that over 2,800 donors supported CWU students and community with gifts totaling over $8.5M. To our donors, I want to say thank you from the bottom of my heart for your continued support. It means so much to students, their families, and the entire community. Beyond this, thousands of alumni have participated in the life of our university by attending events, advising students on career paths, speaking to classes, and hiring students. Our alumni network and donors are at the heart of the CWU community and each one of you makes our community stronger. Thank you. - Paul Elstone Vice President, University Advancement and Executive Director, CWU Foundation

During fiscal year 2022, Central Washington University donors created tremendous value and impact to students’ lives and futures with their donations. The foundation board would like to sincerely thank you for your support which resulted in state-of-the-art facility upgrades, programmatic support, and scholarship funding that affected students, communities, and families. We keep student impact at the forefront of all decisions, and with the continued generosity of our supporters,

In the last year, we were fortunate to return to in-person gatherings which led to impactful and meaningful connections among alumni and the Wildcat family. Every re-connected alumnus grows our ability to change students’ lives through mentorship and career support programs and makes our Wildcat family grow stronger. As we work to build and invest in the Wildcat Nation, we look forward to your continued engagement and willingness to invite fellow Wildcats to share their time and talent as it is critical to our future success. - Andrew Mork CWU Alumni Association Board President

we are on a mission to help Wildcats achieve the future they desire at CWU.

- Ralph Conner CWU Foundation Board Chair

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