Western Australia Home Stories Winter 2024

POOPS provides volunteers with dog walking training and support throughout their volunteer experience. Tony is in a chat group on WhatsApp with three other volunteers in his area and always keeps in touch if any questions or issues come about. The walks are enjoyable for both Lady and Tony. “Going for walks is quite refreshing. I take Lady to the beach and sit and pat her for a few minutes and then walk back, I enjoy it.” He was able to help Lady and her owners when he discovered she was having difficulties going to the toilet. He said “I had to tell her owners there was something wrong, they took her to the vet, and it turned out she had a bit of an infection. We ended up sorting her out with the vet. We fixed the dog up.” POOPS volunteers are easy to spot with their red t-shirts and caps and are often stopped by curious people. Tony has business cards ready to go if people are interested in becoming clients or want to

Above: Busselton tenant Tony with Lady.

Tony & Lady: a volunteer story

volunteer their time. “I would recommend

Every Thursday morning, Busselton tenant Tony, gets up early to walk his neighbour’s dog named Lady. Tony has been volunteering with POOPS (Pets of Older Persons) for the last two months. Their mission is ‘Keeping people and pets together’. The WA volunteer- run organisation helps to care for pets of older people and provides a range of free services including dog walking, transportation to vets, boarding or groomers, and assistance with administering medication.

Having always wanted a pet of his own, this was the perfect organisation for Tony to volunteer with. He has the chance to interact with Lady, a small Border Collie, keep active and make a difference by helping his neighbours. “I also like talking to the owners of the dog. When I get back from the walk, I have a coffee with them and a chat. Get a friendship going with them,” said Tony.

volunteering, there is always something to do and new people coming on to get their dogs to be walked. Just look up POOPS and go from there.”

Interested in volunteering or need help with your pet? Visit www.poopswa.org.au or call them on 1300 1100 92 .


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