API Articles Sep23


your park longer. Consider Xcaret in Cancun, Mexico (“The Cancun Colos - sus,” Summer, 2022). Xcaret’s adven - ture parks are unusual in that they are all-inclusive, which means food and non-alcoholic beverages are part of the package. Nonetheless, having food and beverage outlets helps create other revenue-generating opportuni- ties, such as alcohol, souvenir, or other incidental purchases. Also, having multiple waystations in one park allows Xcaret to spread out the crowds and keep guests enter- tained between activities. Happier guests who have access to what they want hang out longer, resulting in bet- ter performing operations.

feedback, ask about specific goods, request services, or inquire about other activities. Generally, these questions start with “do you have…?” This infor- mation can tell you a lot about what people want and how they are willing to spend their hard-earned money. Track common requests and look for ways to address them. Ancillary products. Go Ape managed to quadruple its ancillary earnings by simply observing customers’ wants and needs. “We’re serving more previously unmet needs in terms of providing products that people find valuable as part of their experience,” said West. New merchandise options such as branded cups, buffs, and a wider range of gloves resulted in higher sales and can improve customer satisfaction. Adding ancillary products and offerings such as merchandise and F&B can also be a way to round out your offerings, disperse guests, and keep people in

Xcaret’s all-inclusive food and beverage encourages guests to stay longer and spend more on incidentals.

something.” That awakening points to an opportunity to include environmen- tal education as a part of adventure offerings, in commercial and more traditional settings alike. Even before the pandemic saw outdoor participation boom, Brian Funtleyder, co-owner of park building and manage- ment company Boundless Adventures, worked with Pringle Nature Center in Bristol, Wis., to develop a network of aerial adventure courses to supplement


During the pandemic, many people flocked to outdoor natural spaces to find solace and safety. As Go Ape’s West noted, “People are reconnecting with nature. They’ve probably connected to nature in a way they haven’t done for years, and I think that will awaken

They come for the trees.

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