API Articles Sep23


1. THE COURSE This is the star of the show for our busi- nesses. In most instances, the course is the primary reason people show up and give us money. And all courses take a beating during a busy season. Chances are, lots of small issues accumulate over the course of a summer (frayed element ropes, worn wooden compo- nents, etc.). Due to the pace of high season, those items generally get put on the “fix it when we get time” list. This is one of the easiest places to start in preparing for closing. • List all needed repairs. Regardless of whether you do your own repairs or have a vendor that makes repairs for you, no work can really begin without a thorough list of items that need attention. • Do a walkthrough. Many of those items should be noted on the daily inspection reports that (hopefully!) your qualified personnel execute prior

Course elements take a beating. Do a thorough walkthrough of the course shortly after closing and create a list of all needed repairs so work can be scheduled in a timely fashion. Credit: Adirondack Extreme.

to opening every day. However, it’s hard to beat a thorough end-of-season walkthrough to note all the little things that need to be addressed, as well as the more critical structural and arboreal issues that may have developed.

a list, ensure that the qualified entity that is designated to make the repairs has an adequate window of time to get the work done. Putting off the walk - through—and even the repairs—until early spring, when the entire industry gets busy, will likely cause unnecessary stress. This is especially true if you rely

• Schedule the repairs. Once you have

ZipSpeed tm High-performance Trolleys & Accessories

ARC tm Anti-Rollback Cams Maximum Zip throughput efficiency

ALF tm Climb Assist Fall protection on vertical climbs/descents

SmartSnap tm Self-Belay Safe, practical, retro-fittable systems


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