Mission 2024 Eclipse Competition Manual

S E C T I O N 3: GENER A L C O M P E T I T I O N R U L E S <G1> Treat everyone with respect. All students and adults associated with a team are expected to conduct themselves in a respectful and positive manner while participating in the Aerial Drone Competition. If team members are disrespectful or uncivil to staff, volunteers, or fellow teams at an event, the team may be disqualified from their current or upcoming match. Judges will also consider team conduct and ethics when determining awards. In all aspects of the Aerial Drone Competition, the students make the decisions and “do the work” with adult mentorship. The REC Foundation community prides itself on being a positive learning environment where no one is bullied, harassed, or berated. Teams should avoid placing unnecessary stress upon students and event volunteers; instead, challenging situations are viewed as teachable moments to model positive behaviors and good sportsmanship. This rule exists alongside the REC Foundation Code of Conduct. Violation of the Code of Conduct can be considered a violatio n and can result in disqualification from a current match, an upcoming match, an entire event, or (in extreme cases) an entire competition season. The Code of Conduct can be found at https://www.roboticseducation.org/codeofconduct. In the Aerial Drone Competition Eclipse, the Teamwork Mission features a two-team alliance working together to solve the challenge of the game. The REC Foundation Code of Conduct, and by extension rule <G1>, requires teams to work together with mutual respect and professionalism. Teams should never tell their Teamwork Mission partners to “sit in a corner” or “stay out of the way” in a match. If this happens, the Head Referee can rule that this is a major violation of <G1>, as it does not exhibit good sportsmanship or support of an alliance partner. Alliance partners must work together to figure out how to cooperatively solve the game. Examples of this type of communication include, “Can you please leave the blue balls for us, because that’s how we score the best?” or “We’re not great at knocking balls off of pillars, can you handle that?” These types of collaborations typically lead to the best competition experience and represent the goal of the Teamwork Mission.


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