Welcome from the Head of DUCKS
Dear Parents
It is with immense pleasure that I welcome you and your family to our outstanding school. At DUCKS we look forward to working with you to ensure your child’s educational learning journey is one of engagement, excitement and full of awe & wonder. DUCKS is extremely close to my heart. I began teaching at the Infants’ School in 2010 and joined the senior management team two years later, whilst continuing to teach in Key Stage 1. For many years I was the Deputy Head of DUCKS and I relished the opportunity to become Head in April 2022. As Head of DUCKS I take on the role with determination and confidence, ensuring our school will continue to thrive and provide children with the best possible learning experience, accompanied with pastoral support and care. It is my firm believe that all children need to feel happy, safe and supported with a strong feeling of belonging. The pastoral care and emotional support we give all our children at DUCKS is at the heart of all we do and it is just one of the aspects that make our school the ‘gem on the hill’. Confident children will be willing to try new things, engage in their learning and achieve high academic success. As one of the five schools of Dulwich College we benefit from a huge amount of space which we take full advantage of. At DUCKS we provide excellent sporting, academic and creative facilities. Weekly swimming lessons at the College Sports Centre, opportunities to visit science labs and performing in the Edward Alleyn theatre are just some examples of the wider facilities on offer. At DUCKS, all children benefit from our outdoor Forest School sessions, developing and mastering skills whilst showing curiosity for the world around them. Our dedicated team of skilled teachers and qualified practitioners ensure our outstanding Early Years and Key Stage One curriculum is one that enables each child to explore, enquire and be motivated in their learning. All children will collaborate with their peers, ask searching questions, learn to take risks and challenges whilst problem solving and preparing for the next steps in their learning journey. Our creative curriculum offers a wealth of experiences and learning opportunities for children to have a deeper understanding, to engage and be inspired. As our children develop at DUCKS they choose to take on greater responsibility in their chosen leadership roles. Year 2 pupils lead the school in Assemblies, connect with the wider community and inspire our younger learners. They respond well to challenge and develop in confidence. The communication and partnership between home and school is fundamental for helping all families to feel safe, secure and connected. Parent evenings, school events, formal reports, morning conversations, meeting face to face and/or online along with our daily communication home-link book, illustrate the importance we place on the support and wellbeing of each child. I am delighted that you have chosen DUCKS and I look forward to working together with you as your child takes their next steps in their learning journey.
With best wishes
Joanne Parker Head of DUCKS
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