Safeguarding Everyone at DUCKS works together to ensure that we are all kept safe. The lead members of the DUCKS team for safeguarding are Mrs Joanne Parker (Head of DUCKS) and Mrs Lucy Shaw (Deputy Head of DUCKS). If you have any concerns in respect of safeguarding they can be contacted on 020 8693 1538. Contact telephone numbers for Southwark Safeguarding officers: • Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO) (020 7525 3297) • Early Help Service (EHS) (020 7525 2714) • The LA Schools Safeguarding Coordinator is: Mr Apo Çağirici (020 7525 2715) • Ofsted (0300 123 1231) Our full safeguarding policy is available throughout DUCKS and on the Dulwich College website Policies The following policies that relate to safeguarding can be found on the Dulwich College website.
• Safeguarding policy
• Code of conduct
• Medication policy
• Behaviour Policy
• Health and safety policy
• Missing child policy
• Supervision of pupils policy
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