Board Converting News, September 11, 2023

Amtech’s Schneider Announces New Product At CorrExpo 2023 Chuck Schneider, CEO of Port Washington, Pennsylvania based Amtech Software, delivered a presentation on Am- tech’s new advanced planning board during the “What’s New” program at CorrExpo 2023 in Cleveland, Ohio.

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“We’ve rewritten a new sched- uling solution with an entirely new interface based on five years worth of input from our customers,” said Schneider. “We’ve added some machine learning into it so that it actually looks at how machines

Chuck Schneider

are operating and adjusts schedules based on machine speeds. We can also schedule multiple plants within one application. If you’ve got a multi-plant system, you can now have one scheduler handling all your plants.” Schneider said Amtech has integrated “a whole bunch of new analytics” customers can look at to determine the impact on a production schedule. “The analytics are great because they are tightly integrated with our ERP. With oth- er schedulers, you have to go out of your ERP but our soft- ware will integrate it all in one system.” Amtech Software is expected to release the new prod- uct later this year.

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September 11, 2023

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