PIM_Fall 2021_Issuu


SEASONAL NATURE WORKSHOP – BAT BOX Don’t bow down to the insect overlords! Fight back with your own personal flock of Winged Mammals! During this workshop, participants will separate fact from fiction while they learn about bat species native to South Texas, discover the many benefits bats provide to their environment, uncover threats to bats and create a bat house to install at their home. The cost of the bat house and necessary building materials will be covered in the registration fee for the program. Class size is limited to 10 bat houses, but couples/families may attend together. Please only register one person per household as registration and fees are only required for the reservation of a bat house. We ask that registered participants bring no more than three additional attendees. Please be advised that this program is in a lecture format with the use of tools and may not be suitable for children under 10 years old. $30 resident / $37.50 non-resident 16+ years DFNC Sat., Oct. 2, 1 - 3 p.m. NATURE TRIVIA NIGHTS Want to up your small talk game or your random fact logs? The DFNC host Nature Trivia Nights that are carefully curated rounds of nature trivia that are sure to stump even the most dedicated nature nerds. Whether it is at one of our family friendly trivia events or a round 21+ trivia nights you will leave smarter than you came. Specific program dates and times TBD. $5 Family or 21+ DFNC or Independence Park

NATURE NESTERS Nature Nesters is a nature-based preschool program designed to engage little minds and bodies while learning about various topics of the natural world. Nature Nesters programs are designed for children ages 4 and under and parents and guardians are required to stay with children during the program. Nature Nesters programs occur every third Thursday of the month at 10 a.m. Program topics are posted each month on the DFNC Facebook page, facebook.com/ deloresfenwicknaturecenter . Free 0 to 4 years DFNC

Thur., Sept. 16, 10 - 10:30 a.m. Thur., Oct. 21, 10 - 10:30 a.m. Thur., Nov. 18, 10 - 10:30 a.m. Thur., Dec. 16, 10 - 10:30 a.m.

HOMESCHOOL PROGRAMS Homeschool doesn’t mean you have to always stay home! Join our Park Naturalist at the Delores Fenwick Nature Center for our quarterly Homeschool Programming. Each program we will dive into various STEAM aligned topics to further our understanding of the natural world. Programs will be applicable to children ages 5 to 18. Registration is only required for participating children and we ask that parents attend with their children. Programs typically last twhours and are on the first Thursday of the month in September, November, February and April. $10 resident / $12.50 non-resident 16+ years DFNC

Thur., Sept. 2, 10 a.m. - noon Thur., Nov. 4, 10 a.m. - noon

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