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travel on GOD'S HIGHWAY via VBS
All signs will point to a successful Vacation Bible School this summer if you build your program around Scrip ture Press’ timely new theme, “Traveling God's High- way.” From first planning session to closing program, Scripture Press materials and planning aids help you make every precious second count. Here’s how . . . j
ACTUAL HANDCRAFT SAMPLES are included in this year's Scripture Press VBS sample k i t . . . containing every thing the committee needs to evaluate the course. Order now from your supplier or direct from Scripture Press these four VBS planning helps: VBS ROAD MAP . . . gives brief descriptions of all six 1963 Scripture Press VBS courses (Nursery, Beginner, Primary, Junior, Young Teen, and a series of Adult Electives) . . . along with pictures of all new handcraft items. This attractive, four-color, fold-out map is available FREE. VBS GUIDEBOOK . . . a 24-page book describ ing in detail the new “ Traveling God’s High way” theme and all courses. It gives com plete “how-to” instructions on everything from initial planning to a colorful closing program built around the travel theme. It, too, is FREE. VBS SAMPLE PACKET . . . Here, in one attrac tive (and re-useable) container, is every
CLOSING PROGRAM IDEAS are' included among the many helpful features in Scripture Press 1963 VBS Guidebook . . . a colorful, 24-page book available FREE to assist you in planning your 19(3 Vacation Bible School program.
to a one week VBS, where this is desirable. The attractive pupils’ workbooks . . . and new, exciting handcraft . . . will keep your pupils coming day after day. Administrative helps like the new Travel Agent Contest designed to sharply increase VBS attendance and VBS Record Book will delight your VBS Director. And, best of all, the excellence, soundness, and correlation of this proven, Bible-based, Christ-centered material will have the en thusiastic endorsement of your pastor and Christian Ed committee. Everyone will like this “ Traveling God’s High way” course . . . pupils, teachers, superin tendents, and pastors. Start your 1963 VBS travels down God’s highway now by send ing for any or all of the planning aids. (To avoid cutting cover, see coupon on page 32)
thing needed to evaluate the Scripture Press course . . . for the first time actual samples of all five new handcraft items, complete teachers’ and pupils’ manuals, and samples of all publicity items . . . $7.50 worth of material for only $5.50, plus postage. VBS FILMSTRIP . . .“ Traveling God’s Highway” . . . unfolds an interesting story in color and sound which will inspire workers and help sell the VBS ministry to your church. Avail able for either FREE showing or outright purchase at $3.50, plus postage. Built-in Teocher Training features in all teach ers’ manuals . . . correlated daily programs, clear, concise lesson aims, complete lists of materials needed, tips on how to catch and hold pupils’ interest, will instruct, inform, and inspire your teachers. Each teachers’ manual tells how the course can be adapted
HURRY to your Christian Bookstore or use coupon to send for the planning helps you want SCRIPTURE PRESS W heaton , Illinois
Please send me the Vacation Bible School planning information I have checked: I | FREE! Colorful, fold-out VBS Road Map "Traveling God's Highway." □ FREE! 24-page 1963 VBS Guidebook. I I Complete VBS Planning Kit . . . containing all manuals, samples of all handcraft, sample publicity items . . . $5.50, plus 45 cents postage and handling. I I VBS filmstrip "Traveling God's Highway"— 28 minutes, color, sound. I I Purchase at $3.50 per print, with LP record I I FREE showing on_ FIRST CHOICE DATE SECOND CHO ICE DATE Name
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T h i e K i n g © B t i e i n e B B E S T A B L I S H E D 1 9 1 0 A publication of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc. Louis T. Talbot S. H. Sutherland Ray A. Myers Chancellor President Chairman of the Board FEBRUARY, in the year of our Saviour Vol; 54, No. 2 Nineteen Hundred and Sixty-three Established 1910 Dedicated to the spiritual development of the Christian home Mu WHEN LIFE BECOMES A RUT — Lawrence Estes .................................. 9 THE POTENTIAL OF DEDICATION — Ernest G. Malyon ................ 10 BESIDE THE WATERS OF LIFE — Woodrow Rood ............................ 12 THE PROPHET AND THE PAGAN — Herbert Henry Ehrenstein .... 14 THE TORCH OF TRUTH — John H. MeComb .................................. 16 THE TONY FONTANE STORY ..................................................................... 18 VICTORY FOR LIFE — William F. Kerr ...................................................... 21 THE VISION OF THE LORD — David D. Allen ........... .................... 22 THE BEST VALENTINE PARTY — Martha S. Hooker ........................ 36 TRENDS IN GOSPEL BROADCASTING ................................................... 41 F&dum A MESSAGE FROM THE EDITOR — Samuel H. Sutherland .............. 6 CULTS CRITIQUE — Betty Bruechert ....:................................................ 25 DR. TALBOT'S QUESTION BOX — Louis T. Talbot .......................... 26 TALKING IT OVER — Clyde M. Narramore ......................................... 28 PERSONAL EVANGELISM — Benjamen Weiss ....................................... 29 BOOK REVIEWS — Arnold D. Ehlert ........................................................... 30 WORLD NEWSGRAMS — James O. Henry ............................................ 32 SCIENCE AND THE BIBLE — Bolton Davidheiser .................................. 33 THE CHRISTIAN HOME — Paul Bayles ................................................. 34 UNDER THE PARSONAGE ROOF — Althea S. Miller ........................ 35 ALUMNI NEWS — Inez McGahey ................................................ ..... 39 M m u PEOPLE IN THE NEWS ................................................................................. 4 HOMILETICAL HELPS ...................................................................................... 27 — All Rights Reserved —
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Sand to Prayer Time, The King's Business mega- tint, 558 So. Hope, Los Angeles 17, California.
S. H. SUTHERLAND: Editor A L SANDERS: Managing Editor BETTY BRUECHERT: Copy Editor
PAUL SCHWEPKER: Controller JANE M. CLARK: Circulation Manager JEANNE SHARP: Advertising Manager
This 75 year old mission has enjoyed the confi dence of many Christians throughout the world, and the blessing of G od throughout its years of service to the Jews. We make no dramatic appeal, we merely ask for the privilege o f presenting this history and pres ent program o f our Christian Witness to Israel. C UP THl COWON »n ow . AMERICAN MESSIANIC FELLOWSHIP Archil A. MacKinney, Director 7446 Nirtk Damen, Chicafi, Illinois
VIRGINIA SCHWEPKER: Production Manager EDITORIAL BOARD: William Bynum, Bolton Davidheiser, Arnold D. Ehlert, Charles L. Feinberg, James O. Henry, Martha S. Hooker, Oran H. Smith
evANoeucAL p r e u association
SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION — "The King's Business" is published monthly. U.S., its possessions, and Canada, $3.00 one year; $1.50 six months, 30 cents, single copy. Clubs of three or more at special rates. Write for details. Foreign subscription 75 cents extra. It requires one month for a change of address to become effective. Please send both old and new addresses. REMITTANCES — Should be made by bank draft, express, or post office money order payable to "The King's Business."
ADVERTISING — for information address the Advertising Manager, The King's Business, 558 South Hope Street, Los Angeles 17, California. MANUSCRIPTS — "The King's Business" cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage to manuscripts mailed to us for consideration. Second-class postage paid at Los An geles, California. Printed in U.S.A. by Church Press, Glendale, California. ADDRESS: The King's Business, 550 So. Hope St., Los Angeles 17, California.
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TEACHER TRAINING . . . inyour own church!
complete sermons by outstanding English-speaking pastors of the past and present. Denominational lines are broken in the Series. McCraken stated, “We have recorded sermons by lead-, ing preachers from many denomina tions.” Some included are: Harold J. Ockenga, R. G. Lee, Billy Graham, Alan Redpath, Vance Havner, Ste phen Olford, and many others. Voices of the past will include Peter Mar shall, George W. Truett, Donald Grey Barnhouse, and Walter Meier. Dr. Hyman Appelman, noted Russian- bom evangelist, has warned that the Near East holds a greater threat to the United States than Berlin. Russia needs more oil than either it or its satellite countries can produce and the nearest oil deposits are in the Sinai peninsula, Dr. Appelman states. “ An invasion of the Near East by Russia is certain to come and perhaps very soon. All other aggressive moves from Moscow are merely feints to distract American attention and American forces since the United States would fight faster for that oil than for Pearl Harbor.” The philosophy of commun ism will not permit it to stop short of ruling the entire earth. Declaring that God would intervene and halt the spread of world communism, Dr. Appelman emphasized that “ we nev er need to feel alone in a time of crisis if we know Christ and place our trust in Him.” Dr. Richard S. Beal, Sr., pastor of the First Baptist Church in Tucson, Ari
William T. Greig, Jr., vice president of Gospel Light Publications, recent ly had this to say about the new 1963 Vacation Bible School approach: “ In developing a new VBS course for 1963, we first sought an appealing, life-re lated theme that will reach and hold young and old for Christ. At the same time we wanted to take a realistic approach to the VBS worker shortage and the training problems faced by VBS directors and their staffs in most
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SIX STIMULATING COURSES (3 Bible, 3 Christian E d . ) . . .
"The Sunday school teacher has a larger impact upon the children in his class than most teachers realize. Every teacher should do his utmost to be at his best for the young lives entrusted to him. The E.T.T.A. leadership training pro gram is geared to help every teacher measure up to his responsibility, and I have noted with pleasure the effec tiveness of that program.” —Dr, V. Raymond Edman
Evangelical Teacher Training Association 1825 C O LLEG E A V E N U E B O X 327 . W H E A T O N , IL LIN O IS
Please send information telling HOW TO PRESENT E.T.T.A. COURSES in the local church Name ____________________________ Street______________________________ City • -v ( ) State. Win Youth!
Fairest Lord Jesus churches today.” Pictured above is a visualized hymn for the “ Living with Christ” course. It is one in a series that includes “How Great Thou Art,” “We’ve a Story to Tell,” and “ 0 Wor ship the King.” The book opens to 24 x 18” inch size, features full color illustrations matched to large type which can be seen by an entire group as the hymn is taught. N ext month KING’S BUSINESS editors w ill review new V.B.S. ma terials from various publishers. Paul A. Hopkins, who has been ex ecutive secretary of the Evangelical Foundation, Inc., of Philadelphia, has been elected Secretary for Africa by the American Bible Society. The ap pointment follows the recent an nouncement that the Society has ex panded its work in the distribution of Scriptures into 25 additional African countries for a total of 36. At present, at least one book of the Bible has been translated into 401 African languages. Jarrell McCracken, president of Word Records of Waco, Texas, has an nounced the development of a new service to preachers and interested laymen. It is called the “ Great Ser mons Series” and is a monthly service which enables subscribers to purchase long-playing albums containing two
We can help you win children and young people to Christ. Our missionaries are known for their vital gospel preaching, illustrated
zona, celebrates his 45th year of service in this church. Dr. Beal ' is held in highest esteem in the community as a preacher of the Gospel. R e c e n t l y t h e University of A r i z o n a bestowed upon him the Me
by the best in visal aids. Our staff serve the Westcoast, North-central and South- central states. If your community needs an evangelistic campaign geared to reach the entire family, write: Dept. B-2 Y o u t h G o s p e l C r u s a d e , in c . « WES TB OR O WI S CO N S I N
dallion of Merit in recognition of his vital interest in the faculty and stu dent body of the school. He holds the honorary degrees of Doctor of Divinity and Doctor of Laws. He has published ten volumes of sermons under the general title of “ Rivers in the Desert.” Dr. Beal Rev. Joseph C. Wenninger, Jr., vice president and academic dean of the St. Paul Bible College, will assume the duties as president of the Simp son Bible College in San Francisco. He succeeds the retiring president, the Rev. Paul S. Allen, who has served as president since 1950.
CAMP CONVENTION March 26-29 Williams Bay, Wisconsin Write: R egistrar , C hristian C amp Conf. Assoc., Box 81, Wheaton, Illinois
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a message from the editor
“ I a p p r e c i a t e STONY BROOK’S Full Athletic Program” says Morris Clark Ephrata, Pennsylvania Stony Brook offers excellent opportunities for outdoor sports. Teams in football, cross country, basketball, wrestling,_ baseball, tennis, golf, and track are maintained at varsity, junior varsity and freshman levels. There is a nine-school Ivy League athletic schedule as well as a regular program of intra-mural sports. The gymnasium and two field houses are used for indoor sports. Twelve acres of athletic fields include three gridirons, two baseball diamonds, and a new quarter-mile cinder track. Christian Education at Stony Brook has real meaning. The atmosphere is wholesome without being pious. Boys are urged to live their lives in accordance with the will of God as set forth in Scripture. Bible Study is a major subject and is required of all students throughout the entire course. By maintaining a balance between .reli gious, academic, and recreational activities, the School aims at a harmony of ■ purpose. By intelligent appuca- * tion of this Christian program, in 1 both administration and teach- ing, Stony Brook is making a dis- ¿fmk tinctive contribution to American jfeM education. I S . D r . F rank E. G aebelein ■ S S L Headmaster - j a y sj For Catalogue and Information, write a , | Director of Admissions, Dept. 80 THE STONY BROOK SCHOOL Stony Brook, Long Island * New York
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Tragic Effects of the Recent Supreme Court Decision In June of 1962, the Supreme Court of our land rendered a decision stating, in effect, that a "non-sectarian” prayer recom mended by the State Board of Regents of the State of New York was unconstitutional. Regardless of the far-reaching, technical im plications of this most unfortunate decision, the practical effect has been to cast a shadow of doubt uppn the legality of all references to God in any way whatsoever in connection with public school activities and exercises. It has caused a rash of protests on the part of minority groups of free-thinkers, avowed atheists, skeptics and “ beatniks” of various age groups against the use of any prayer whatever or any Bible reading or even reference to God found in secular books dealing with various educational subjects. During the recent Christmas season, many school teachers and principals were forced to omit all Christmas parties for their children, for fear of rousing the ire of a small but very vociferous minority group. And now we read of the problem’s extending even to the use of the Dec laration of Independence and the song "America” . According to one news item, "the question is whether public schools in the State (New York) as part of their opening exercises may permit readings from the Bible or the Declaration of Independence or recitation of the fourth stanza of 'America’ Both the Declaration of Inde pendence and the fourth stanza of "America” contain references to God. The news item continued, "When the Hicksville (Long Island) School Board decided to substitute recitation of the last stanza of the 'Star-Spangled Banner’ as an official prayer, a parent protested to the Commissioner of Education in that District. He (the Commissioner) ruled that the national anthem could be sung in the schools but not designated as a prayer.” The Board of Trustees then adopted a program of opening exercises to be used by the teachers of the various grades within their jurisdiction. It consisted of (1) The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag; (2) the teachers could choose either to read a passage from the Bible or from the Declaration of Independence or have the pupils recite the fourth stanza of America. The fourth stanza reads, "Our fa thers’ God to Thee, Author of Liberty, to Thee we sing. Long may our land be bright with freedom’s holy light, protect us by Thy THE KING'S BUSINESS
welcomes qualified applicants, . •
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might, Great God our King.” Because o f the protest of a very few individuals, this verse may not be recited as a prayer and it will be but an easy step to require its elimination from all school functions where the great patriotic hymn, "America” is sung. There was a time when the Supreme Court of the United States was considered the last bulwark of defense against those who would destroy the great American heritage. Amd one o f the great foundation truths upon which our American heritage rests has been the well-nigh universal belief in Almighty God and a con tinuing prayer expressed in all facets of public and semi-public gatherings that God would guide and protect this great nation from the pitfalls that have caused other nations to sink into decay, and in some instances, total oblivion, except as their records are to be found on the pages of almost-forgotten history. W e have been hear ing in recent years, on frequent occasions, statements to the effect that "i t can’t happen here” . But the simple facts are that it is hap pening here before our very eyes and we seem quite helpless to do anything about it. Another great foundation truth upon which our nation has been built has to do with the rule of the majority. O f course it is quite readily recognized that in times past this principle was greatly abused so that a minority was downtrodden and treated in a very arbitrary and ruthless manner. In more recent times, the rule of the majority has carried with it a recognition of the obligations of the majority toward those of minority groups. But the principle of democracy has completely ceased to exist when the United States Supreme Court will give heed to a very small, loud-mouthed minority demanding its rights in not allowing its children to hear anything in the public schools that pertains to God or even a Supreme Being. In showing such a magnanimous deference to those who, in effect, would make our country an atheistic nation, no whit better than God-denying, God-defying Russia herself, the Supreme Court is deliberately ignoring the vast majority who prefer to have their children taught at least the basic principles of belief in God and an acknowledgment of His sovereignty. It seems strange, indeed, that these men on the Supreme Court bench, who are supposed to be so erudite, do not realize that in prohibiting the name of God to be used in any form of prayer, they are in effect advocating that the children be taught atheism. The very word atheism means "no God” . Atheism is an ideology; it is in fact a "religion” all its own. It begins with certain basic assumptions and develops its ideology on the basis of those assumptions. It is impossible to have any middle- ground attitude between atheism and theism, or belief in God. The children in our schools must be taught a belief in God, or, inevitably, they will be taught a belief in no God. And we have our present United States Supreme Court to thank for this tragic trend. But now that it is possible for even one person in a school district to prohibit all reference to God in any form or prayer whatsoever, what is there left for God-fearing people to do in behalf o f their children? O f course, it is possible for such parents to establish and maintain private schools where their children will be taught basic (C O N T IN U E D ON P A G E 4 0 )
With the Herald Summer Bible S ch oo l Series and the 1963 theme, “My Fa ther’ s W orld ”
The LEADER’S GUIDE, your help to true success, is free. Write for your copy today and learn how this series provides sound Bible teaching in grad ed lessons, nursery through junior high. Usable year after year as stu dent advances. LEADER’S GUIDE gives you the new theme, theme song, 10 devotions, closing program, lesson descriptions for each grade, and other valuable information. Don’t miss this big, beautifully illustrated 8M x 11 book. Highly Recommended “This is our fourth year using your VBS material so you see we like it,” one church reports; another writes, “We highly recommend the course.” Don’t miss the enthusiasm and in creased attendance this series will gen erate. Write Today Get your free copy of LEADER’S GUIDE HERALD PRESS Dept. KB, Scottdale, Pennsylvania
A Time magazine article reports that many leading scientists believe a “God” created the .universe and then withdrew. For men and wom en in all walks of life, this raises a haunting question . . .
These scientists suggest that God, in effect, wound the clock of the universe and then retired. It is all right, they say, to believe in G o d . . . but it is folly to get too serious about it so far as the here and now are concerned, for God is far away. Is there scientific basis for what these scientists say? Are they really qualified to speak on supernatural things? Is what they say true? Is there any evidence that God has retired?
N U ! The answer thunders
back « " p o w e r
as these top people testify!
Dr. C. Everett Koop Chief Surgeon Children's Hospital Philadelphia
Mark O. Hatfield Governor of Oregon
Dr. Charlotte Tan Cancer researcher
Dr. Laurance Kulp Geochemical Lab Columbia University Director
Joan Winmill Brown Former English
Lt. Gen. W . K. Harrison, Jr. Korean Truce negotiator
Joe Romig All-American, Colorado
Scripture Press three other weekly take-home papers (Counselor, for juniors; Primary Days, for primaries; and Bible-time, for beginners) . . . c a n add a new dimension to your Sunday School. These dynamic, colorful papers will add impact and interest to every Sunday’s teaching time . . . with a valuable take-home bonus. Send today for free samples and complete information. SCRIPTURE PRESS M l WHEATON, ILLINOIS Please send me FREE samples and complete information about. . . □ Adult POWER n POWER for Teens— for Young Teens and Senior High. I~~1 COUNSELOR— for fourth, fifth, and sixth graders. □ PRIMARY DAYS— for 6’s, 7’s and 8’s. □ BIBLE-TIME— for 4’s and 5’s.
POWER, the weekly Sunday School take-home paper published by Scripture Press, will devote its May 16 issue to answering this question. Week after week for 20 years POWER has faced issues boldly, giving young peo ple and adults assurance through evidence from real life that God is and that He is the rewarder of them that diligently seek Him. POWER ( in separate adult and teen editions) . . . and
Inquire at your Christian Bookstore . . . or use cou pon to send for complete information on POWER . . . and the other award-win ning Scripture Press take- home papers!
ISa NAME__________________________________ ______________________________________________ ADDRESS____________________________________________________________________________ CITY______________________________________ ( ) STATE______________________________ Church- Position in Church- KBP23 WHEATON, ILLINOIS • LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA • OSHAWA, CANADA • LONDON, ENGLAND
slightly drunk and less still in “taking out” their frus trations and hostilities in impatience with their wives and children. Nor was there much real pleasure in forming a foursome for a Saturday evening at one of the best night clubs. The dinner wasn’t worth half the price, the entertainment was more vulgar than talented, and their drinking provided morning-after head aches. But if this isn’t “ living,” what is? To the un regenerate person there is no answer that can be given. Of course, he does not succeed in escaping. Why? Be cause he cannot escape from the way he was created. How Do W e Find True Compensation? The answer to this question is that Christians do not need to compensate. God did not create man so that he could be happy through self-seeking and self-indul gence. God created man above all else for love. It is only as man reaches out in abject humility and love to others that be begins to live the way an all-wise God created him to live. This is the way of the Cross, and “ the preach ing of the cross is foolishness to them that perish, but to us are are saved it is the power of God unto salvation.” The born-again Christian usually fixes his attention and devotion, not on that higher position with the Acme Apex Company, but upon the will of God for his life. Christians have frustrations just like everyone else, but in the frame of reference of “ forgive us as we for give others,” whatever is left of these frustrations melts away in the love of God through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. But this love of God is never given to anyone until he acknowledges his own sinfulness, realizes his need for forgiveness, and receives Jesus Christ as his personal Saviour. A common mistake that some Christians make is assuming that their success in this world is synonymous with the will of God for their lives. But God deals with them as a loving parent with an erring child, and they eventually realize that “ if a man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him.” The only “ compensation” that Christians are concerned about is being in the will of God for their lives and waiting ex pectantly for the fulfillment of the Blessed Hope, the imminent rapture of the church, which is the beginning of eternity in Heaven. “ For it is by free grace (God’s unmerited favor) that you are saved (delivered from judgment and made partakers of Christ’s salvation) through (your) faith. And this (salvation) is not of yourselves of your own doing, it came' not through your own striving — but it is a gift of God” (Ephesians 2:8-9 Amp. V .).
“ Five years, I sweat for that guy — five years! I took his abuse, and let him blame me time and time again for his stupid mistakes. Why, I could do his job blind folded . . . and a lot better, too. So, that assistant man ager spot finally opens up, and who does he give it to? His wife’s brother! That green kid may have a degree in accounting, but he doesn’t know beans about this business,” Jim said as he threw his coat into the back seat of Dick’s car. “Well, that’s life,” replied Dick. “ I had some rotten luck today myself.” “ Oh, you did? What happened?” Jim asked. “ I had made four calls on this fellow, and he prac tically promised me the deal. Today I went in to clinch the sale, and suddenly he’s changed his mind! He’s going to get that junk from our sub par buddies over on Broad way; it’s a little cheaper. Four hundred dollars in com missions go down the drain.” “ That’s too bad. Say, why don’t we drop by Joe’s Bar for a couple of drinks? I need a little fortifying any how before I go home and listen to the wife gripe about who hit whom and demand that I pass sentence and execute same,” Jim said. “ Boy, five lousy years!” “And four hundred dollars is a lot of lettuce. I’m with you. Make that three drinks,” Dick said. The story of Jim and Dick is probably repeated with variations several thousand times every day. Cigarettes, beer and liquor, night clubs, expensive cars, race tracks, gambling and bridge clubs, motion pictures, stage shows and many other commercial indulgences and amuse ments would be almost non-existent if it were not for the need to compensate, to escape, to get away from it all for a while. W hy Do W e Need to “Escape?” As long as we refuse to acknowledge that “ Satan is the prince of this world,” and reject this statement in the Scriptures as fanaticism or emotionalism, we are go ing to be looking for security and happiness through “ winning” in the battle for position and possessions. But often we find that we are on the losing side, so we ex perience considerable frustration, anxiety and hostility in a world that has not been receptive to our best self-seeking efforts. It’s humiliating to lose and in the absence of spiritual resources, we turn to indulgences to compensate for our humiliation. We want to “ forget the cares of the day” — to “ escape” from unpleasant reality for a time. Do W e Succeed in Escaping Jim and Dick didn’t find any satisfaction in getting
t h e p o f é i t t i f i i
d e d i c a t i o n
k\ D r . f i n e s t G. M a lyon Extension Stuff, ' lyM tiòdy, ß/blr Institute
M ark H atfield , Governor of the State of Oregon, speaking at a breakfast for business men at the opening of a shopping center in North Bend, Oregon, held the men’s attention with his opening remarks. He said, “ Lenin said, ‘You can’t have a successful revo-
lution on a part-time basis,’ and I say, you can’t have a successful Christian life on a part-time basis. It is no use to live like heaven on Sunday and like hell all the rest of the week.” Some weeks ago we had the privilege of taking part in a panel on the campus of one of our state
colleges. The discussion centered around the topic, “ Suc cessful Christian Living.” One of the first questions asked was this, “ How do you move, from a mere church-going life, to a life of daily Christian living?” The Governor’s words and the inquiry of the college student point up the need of realizing the fact that God is interested in the whole man. It would seem that many of us never get beyond Sun day religion. The potential for great and wonderful things is present in every congregation but this potential lies dormant, unharnessed and unknown. One of the rea sons for this is, that too many of us have forgotten that God is interested in the whole man: in our whole life. He does not separate life into the secular and the spiri tual. We do this. The temptation on our part to desert nature to attain to spirit is one of the subtle tricks of spiritual immaturity. The temptation to consider prayer emphasis as spiritual and the pay envelope as secular is a deception too common to most of us. In First Thessalonians 5:23 and 24, the Apostle Paul reminds us of the potential of dedication. Here Paul calls us to God’s interest in the whole man. Notice these revealing words, “And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. Faithful is He that calleth you, Who also will do it.” If this Scripture declares anything at all, it states that God wants the whole man. Notice the order here. Man’s dedication begins with the spirit of man. So often we try to begin with the body. We talk so much about, pre senting our bodies to God. The body is the last mentioned in the matter of dedication. The first matter in dedication is the whole spirit of man. The spirit of man is the God conscious part of man. The potential of dedication begins here. In John chapter 4, the Lord speaks of this to the woman of Samaria, when He says, “But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship Him. God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.” The word used for worship here is one that means to crouch, to kiss, to do homage, to prostrate oneself, to reverence. The potential of a dedicated life begins here. Man’s spirit must first be sanctified. The God-conscious part of man must be prostrate before the Lord. In Proverbs 20:27 man’s spirit, his God-conscious part, is described in this way, “ The spirit of man is the candle of the Lord, searching all the inward parts of the belly.” Again in Psalm 18:28 we read, “ For thou wilt light my candle: the Lord my God will enlighten my darkness.” Adding the truth of Psalm 51:6, “ Behold, thou desirest truth in the inward parts; and in the hidden part thou shalt make me to know wisdom,” it then becomes apparent that dedi cation begins in man’s spirit — the God-conscious part — when flooded with light and yielded to God’s will. When man is prostrate before God in his God-conscious part, then dedication has begun. One is reminded of the little fellow who kept standing up on the pew disturbing people during a church service. Finally his mother set him down very firmly and told him to remain seated. Aft er a time of silence, the little fellow leaned over to his mother and said, “Mother, I am standing up inside.”
Too many of us talk about dedication who are standing up inside. Our spirits are not prostrate. Next we are told in I Thessalonians 5:23, that our whole “ soul” is to be sanctified. The soul is the self- conscious part of man. Here is the center of our affections, desires, ambitions, appetites. This center is to be dedicated to God. Many times in our Bibles the word soul could be translated desire. This is true in Proverbs 13:2, “ But the soul (desire) of the transgressors shall eat violence” and in Proverbs 19:2, “Also, that the soul (desire) be without knowledge is not good.” In I Peter 2:11 we read, “Dearly beloved, I beseech you as strangers and pilgrims, abstain from fleshly lusts, which war against the soul.” Some of us have used the term soul, in speaking of another person, as “ He is a good soul.” What do we really mean? We simply mean that the person is acceptable to us, be cause he enjoys the same things, or has the same desires that we do. In other words, that person’s self-conscious life agrees with my self. Then if the potential of dedication is ever to be realized, the self-conscious part of man must be sanctified. My affections and desires, the center of these my self-conscious part, my soul, must be dedicated. In .Deuteronomy 30:6 this dedication is described in this way, “ And the Lord thy God will circumcise thine heart . . . to love the Lord thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul . . .” Our affections must be brought under the will of God. Finally, I Thessalonians 5:23 deals with our body. This is the sense-conscious part of man. “ And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly: and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and. body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.” So many times we try to begin here. We attempt first to present our bodies a living sacrifice. We try to present the sense- conscious part of man to God, before we have known dedication of the God-conscious and self-conscious part of man. It is impossible to know dedication of hands, feet, ears, eyes and tongues until we know dedication of our spirits and our souls. It is impossible to have our seeing, hearing, touching and tasting—under God’s con trol until the inner man, the spirit of man, is flooded with light, and the self-conscious part of man, his affections and desires, are filled with His love. What is the potential of dedication? It is the whole man under the control of the Lord. How is this possible? p ie secret is revealed in I Thessalonians 5:24: “ Faithful is he that calleth you, who also will do it.” This then is God’s work. However, we are not to be passive, in the sense that we just sit around waiting for God to do it. It is a matter of the will’s yielding to His working. This is indeed active. The Apostle Paul expresses it this way in Philippians 2:13-14: “Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling: For it is God who worketh in you, both to will and to do of his good pleasure.” All God wants from you and me is the property: He wants our God-conscious part, man’s spirit; our self-conscious part, man’s soul; and our sense-conscious part, man’s body. If we give Him the property, He will build the life. He is interested in the whole man. This is the potential of dedication. In this day of a struggle for the loyalties of mankind, let us who claim that we know the Lord, yield to Him, spirit, soul and body so that the potential of our dedication may be realized.
" . . . many o f us never get beyond 'Sunday religion!’ D e d i c a t i o n i s t h e w h o l e s p i r i t o f m a n . ”
by Dr. W o o d r ow Rood Pastor, Melrose Baptist Church, Oakland, California
H ow w o u l d rou like to hear a male choir of 600,000 voices singing a song of praise unto the Lord? In Exodus 15, we read of Moses and such a choir’s singing the praises of God. God had delivered the Israelites from the hand of the Egyptians, opening the Red Sea so that thy walked through on dry ground, and throwing the pursuing Egyptians into the midst of the sea. Listen to the words of a part of the first stanza: “ The Lord is my strength and song, and he is become my salvation: he is my God, and I will prepare him an habitation; my father’s God, and I will exalt him” (Exodus 15:2). There was no singing in Egypt; there was only groaning. Singing can only follow redemption. The Is raelites sang with the assurance of an accomplished re demption. It was truly a song of praise. The note of praise ought to be in our lives at all times. This anthem of praise is only a prelude to that which follows. The concluding verses of chapter 15 show the children of Israel in the wilderness. The song, the tim brel and dance have just ceased and that first gush of joy that fills the bosom of the delivered soul has sub sided. Let us consider three pictures. First, the Bitter Wa ters; second, the Bloody Waters; and third, The Beau tiful Waters. THE BITTER WATERS “ So Moses brought Israel from the Red Sea, and they went out into the wilderness of Shur; and they went three days in the wilderness, and found no water. And when they came to Marah, they could not drink of the waters of Marah, for they were bitter: therefore the name of it was called Marah. And the people mur mured against Moses, saying, What shall we drink?” (w . 22-24). Here the Israelites faced their first testing since their deliverance from the Egyptians. They journeyed for three days in the wilderness and found no water. Can you imagine what it must have been like in the wilder
ness under a burning hot sun for three days with no mois ture whatever? Their lips were cracked; throats were dry and parched; babies were crying. All were desperately looking but unable to find water. The Israelites faced a real trial with no water to drink. It is when we are faced with trial that we are put to the test as to the real measure of our acquaintance with God. You remember how wonderful everything was when the Lord saved you, and then you ran up against something you didn’t expect. It was a real test. Perhaps you said, “ I thought the Christian life was going to al ways be praise, prayer, and everything beautiful.” Then suddenly "you were thrown by a real trial. You couldn’t understand it. There may be some reading this message who are at that point. This passage of Scripture will be of help to you. God had delivered the children of Israel. Their ene mies had been destroyed. They are on their way to Ca naan, but suddenly — no water! When the water is found there is an added trial that the water is bitter. What at first sight seemed to give relief was found to be nothing but bitterness. These waters tested the very heart of Israel. “ The people murmured again Moses saying, What shall we drink?” The voice of praise had given way to murmuring. The word murmur is made up of two in fantile sounds — mur-mur. It comes from a person who is a spiritual baby. It is an evidence of a carnal nature. Murmuring is still with us today. It is found in the lives of many Christians. It doesn’t take any brains to com plain. A murmurer is one who is short of memory, short of sight, short of faith. He is not a real follower of Jesus Christ. Notice the contrast in verses 24 and 25. “ And the people murmured against Moses, saying, What shall we drink? And he cried unto the Lord.” The Israelites mur mured against Moses. Moses cried unto the Lord. The lesson that we learn here is that there is no bitterness that God cannot sweeten. THE BLOODY WATERS “ And the Lord shewed him a tree, which when he had cast into the waters, the waters
fully to our lives. The Cross of our Lord may be approached along three lines: First, as an historic fact; second, as a release from guilt; and third, as an abiding experience and law of life. Anyone who reads the Bible can make the first approach. The penitent sinner makes the second when he finds forgiveness and salvation. But it remains for the Christian who loves the Lord to make the third approach. He makes it when he enters the Gethsemane of brokenness and mounts the Calvary of utter abandonment. There he submits to the death of that ego which he has pitied, petted and pampered. In that moment of death, the be lieving soul becomes identified with the crucified Lord in a deep union of love. Then he can say with Paul, “ I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh-1 live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me.” (Galatians 2:20). That is casting the tree into the bitter waters. THE BEAUTIFUL WATERS “And they came to Elim, where were twelve wells of water, and three-score and ten palm trees: and they encamped there by the waters.” (v. 27) This is a beautiful, picture because it stands in vivid contrast with the three hard days in the wilderness with out water, and later the bitter experience at Marah. The old adage, “ Every cloud has its silver lining,” comes to us here. In the midst of the testing experiences of life, there are Elims where we find comfort, satisfaction and joy. No one could think of Elim as Canaan. It was only one of the bright spots on the journey to Canaan. Now Eiim not only refreshed the people of Israel, but also in spired them to go forward on their journey and tackle the hard march ahead, under a burning sun, over hot sands. Did you ever think of the church as a modem Elim, an oasis in the wilderness? And would I be amiss to speak of the home as a modem Elim? Our homes ought to be a place of refreshment and inspiration. Thank God for every home that is Christ-centered where the family altar is observed. And every Christian ought to be a modem Elim. When we read of the twelve wells of wa ter and the 70 palm trees in Elim, we are reminded of the twelve apostles and the 70 who were sent out two- by-two to minister to the hearts of people. If in our hearts the tree has been cast into the wa ters, our lives will be an inspiration to all those with whom we come in contact. Have you ever said in regard to certain Christians you know, “My, he is a refreshing person. He really inspires me” ? That person is a modern Elim. There is a vivid contrast between the way in which sorrow is borne by the Christian and the non-Christian. In the Pitti Palace at Florence, Italy, two pictures hang side by side. One represents a stormy sea with wild waves, black clouds and fierce lightnings. The second also represents a sea, tossed by a fierce storm, with clouds as dark; but out of the midst of the waves rises a rock against which the waters dash in vain. In the cleft of the rock there are some tufts of grass and green branches with sweet flowers, and amid these a dove is seen sitting on her nest, undisturbed by the wild fury of the storm. The first picture represents the sorrow of the world when all is helpless; and the other, the sorrow of the Christian, no less severe, but in which he is kept in perfect peace because he is nestled in the bosom of God’s un changing love.
were made sweet: there he made for them a sta tute and an ordinance, and there he proved them” (v. 25). All that was bitter and distasteful was made sweet, all because a tree was cast into the water. Everything was sweetened. Have you found something that sweetens everything in your life? Is it a tree? My mind is drawn to a tree shaped like a cross and all crimson with blood. Have you ever read these words, “ Cursed is everyone that hangeth on a tree” (Gala tians 3:13)? The tree is the cross. “ He bore our sins in his own body on the tree.” Have ypu ever murmured against the hardness of the way and then thought of the tree? Try it! No matter what you suffer, no matter what you pass through, even if God lets you go for weeks of testing, remember Cal vary. God has given us something that will sweeten every thing. There is power in the blood that brings sweetness to all adverse situations of life. Have you found blessings in adversity? Dear old Dr. A. T. Pierson used to say: “The blessing of the Old Testament is prosperity. The blessing of the New Test ament is adversity.” Most people find that difficult to understand, but I believe if opportunity were given for testimony, any number of people, young and old, would be able to say that they have known the blessing of God in the midst of adversity. The bitterness is ours oft-times in order that the tree might become more precious. God said to Moses, “ I have a tree. You cast it in and the waters will be sweet.” Perhaps you are discouraged and think that even God is against you. Why not try the tree? It will sweeten all your life. It will bring with it all the goodness of God. The tree of sweetness was very close to the waters of bitterness. Close to the suffering pilgrim is the suffering Son of God. Look at Paul and Silas in the prison at Philippi: first, cruelly treated, then made fast in the stocks. This was Marah, but the tree was in the waters. Praises rang through the prison at midnight and we know what fol lowed. The Marah waters were made sweet. See the three Hebrew young men cast into the raging furnace of Babylon. But they were not made to walk in the furnace alone. For they had a companion whose form was like the Son of God. It is not the Lord’s way to remove the prison, or to extinguish the fires, but to be very near to us while we endure them. He does not promise to exempt us from trial, but He has promised to be with us in it, and “ with the temptation also to make a way of escape that we might be able to bear it.” Thus it is possible to “ glory” in our tribulations. Now look at verse 26. “ And (Moses) said, If thou wilt diligently hearken to the voice of the Lord thy God, and wilt do that which is right in his sight, and wilt give ear to His commandments, and keep all his statutes, I will put none of these diseases upon thee, which I have brought upon the Egyptians: for I am the Lord that healeth thee.” How often after some high spiritual experience we are tempted to become fretful, impatient, and perhaps even have a murmuring spirit. Our greatest temptations and moments of carelessness follow swiftly on the moments of spiritual blessings and mountain-top experiences. Many a mqn toboggans down from the mountain-top to the val ley of spiritual despondency. In this verse God gives a remedy for such a spiritual experience. It is simply this — keeping our eyes steadily fixed on the Lord. Instead of complaining over our circumstances, we should make them an occasion for drawing afresh upon Him, and thus the message of the cross is applied more
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