• Bible e M ission s e Pasto rology e Evangelism e G reek e M usic e Christian Education
• S p a c io u s cam pu s e C o n se cra ted Facu lty a S p o rts e C ho ir e C lub s Write Dr. Monroe Parker, President for catalog PILLSBURY B ap tist Bible COLLEGE Dept. KB Owatonna, Minnesota
Kerry acepts Christ at bedside of dying husband.
and Pakistan Christian Fellowship 1963 Marks Qur Anniversary Celebrating 70 YEARS OF SERVICE
Pray fo r continued expansion o f the Work—Write fo r FREE literature rW / 107-KNo. Hale St., Wheafon, III. or Room 22, 205 Yonge St., Toronto, Canada 'v/>0 PROMPT AND SURE ! NO R I S K . . . N O WORRY GENEROUS DIVIDENDS FOR LIFE
New crisis is faced as Kerry contracts cancer. was a long road to recovery; however, a new goal had been set for the Fon- tane family. Now it was Christ who held the pre-eminence. The power and warmth of gospel songs, which have won Tony Fontane an unmistakable place in the hearts of Christians across the country, with humor and inspiration are combined and captured with impact on the screen. In addition to distributing the mo tion picture to churches, Youth Films is making the new production avail able free of charge to any of the 38, 000 high school assemblies throughout the country. On location shooting from left to right: Director Jan Sadlo; Fontane; Max, Tony’s agent. Holding coat is Executive Producer Billy Zeoli.
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