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THESE THINGS W h a t w o u l d y o u include in a letter to encourage a young Christian? Would you give some care ful instructions in the new-found faith? Luke wrote a letter to his friend whom he had been instructing in the Christian life. In those first days Christians had been called, “Those of the Way.” Luke’s friend was an im portant person because he addressed him “most excellent Theophilus.” Luke stated that it was the proper thing for him to write these things. Theophilus needed to know these things for certain. The letter was in tended to strengthen his faith — to make him a stronger and a more ac tive Christian. Listen to what Luke said: “ That you might know the certainty of these things.” “ These things” were the facts about the life, person and min istry of the Lord Jesus Christ — that through the atonement of Christ, God was reconciled to men. Luke wanted Theophilus to be sure of this. Luke wrote his entire Gospel as added instruction for his most excel lent friend, Theophilus; he was thor ough and painstaking in his story. It was a complete biography from the beginning to the closing moment after Jesus had ascended to the Fa ther and the disciples continued in the temple, “ praising God.” His story included the most beau tiful narrative of the birth of Jesus which has thrilled children and adults for twenty centuries. The whole Chris tian world has been enriched because Luke wrote this story for his friend. This was gracious guidance by Luke to a friend in the faith. Can you imagine the thrill that Theophilus felt when he unrolled the parchment and read the story of the Gospel by Luke written for him? Millions of believers since that day have read this story which the Holy Spirit inspired Luke to write, pre served and passed it along to them. Luke’s message to his friend is God’s message to us to strengthen our faith. It is the Gospel message. W ill you include this Gospel in a letter or in a conversation to another young Christian who needs to know the .certainty of THESE THINGS?
Write for free booklet giving full details. SECURITY for you and a loved one in M OODY SURVIVORSHIP ANNUITIES When you enter into a Survivorship Annuity Agreement with the Moody Bible Institute you are: . . . guaranteed a generous fixed income for yourself and a loved one during your lifetime together. . . . assured of the same generous income for the survivor as long as he or she shall live. . . . enabled to have a continuing share in the Lord’s work through the ministries of the Moody Bible Institute. . . . secure in the knowledge that behind this agreement are the resources of the Moody Bible Institute. . . in business for God more than three- quarters of a century.
Moody Annuities bring you returns up to 8*4 per cent, depend ing on your age. Remember, too, they are not subject to the ups and downs of economic or market conditions. Since the plan was adopted more than 55 years ago, not a single payment has been missed, or even late. While you are enjoying this lifetime income, your annuity funds are at work for the Lord, making possible the training of consecrated young men and women for Christian service, and spreading the gospel through radio, literature and science films. MA IL COUPON TODAY Dept. 2K3 WRITE: Annuity Department MOODY BIBLE INSTITUTE 820 N. LaSalle Street, Chicago 10, Illinois □ Please send me, without obligation, double dividends , story of Moody Annuity Plan. □ Please send folder, where there ’ s a will , relating to stewardship.
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