n e w s g r a m s
by James O. Henry Chairman, History Department, Biola College cial scientific, historic or artistic -val ue,” while more than 8,000 items have been declared under the protection of local authorities. These “ special places” include seventy-seven build ings of historical interest, fourteen cave monasteries, twenty-six ancient settlements, nineteen ancient tombs and about thirty buildings connected with Communist or earlier revolu tions. This is an indication that Peip ing and the Communists have failed in their attempt to break completely with th,e past, which is the normal pattern of Communism. Canterbury Gives Position on Suicide The Archbishop of Canterbury clarified recently the meaning of a statement on suicide approved earlier by the Anglican House of Bishops. The statement said: “We see no rea son why the body of a suicide should not be brought into the church for a service, nor do we see any reason why it should not be buried in consecrated ground.” The Archbishop, the Most Reverend Arthur Michael Ramsey, said the statement should not be taken to mean that suicide is not sinful. Rather, he said, the point of the re port was that the sin in suicide is very often that of society and not of the individual. Speaking at a news conference at Princeton Theological Seminary, the Archbishop said, “ It is impossible to make a judgment on the motive and culpability of suicides that we have brought forth applicable to all.” He added, that suicide, how ever, “is always sin” because it is “ a violation of God’s law.’ Mao Tse-tung hopes the Russian people will one day rise against Pre mier Khrushchev, says a former mem ber of a Communist Chinese legation. Chao Fu, 27 years old, former security officer of the Communist Chinese Le gation in Stockholm, who fled to the west last August; said Mr. Mao hoped the Russian people would recognize Mr. Khrushchev’s anti-Stalinism as anti-Communist. The Chinese leader said recently “Whoever is against Stalin is against Mao.” Mao Said to Hope For Soviet Defeat
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Bible Class Planned For High School Students
A committee was formed by the interdenominational Christian Work ers of Winston-Salem to study the possibility of sponsoring classes in Bi ble survey or church history for public high school students. Committee mem bers include Methodists, Presbyteri ans, Baptists and Moravians. They will study two approaches to the proposal: a two-hour weekly course on Saturdays or a four-hour weekly accredited course held on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. For stu dents to get high school credit for the courses, a program would have to be approved by the State Depart ment of Public Instruction and the city’s Board of Education policy com mittee. The Latin-American regional con ference of the World Jewish Congress called on the Soviet Union recently to grant Jews equal rights with other national and religious communities. The Conference held in Sao Paulo Brazil, ended its four-day meeting with sharp criticism of Soviet policies towards Jews. It also deplored recent anti-Semitism in some Latin-Ameri can countries, notably Argentina. The Conference declared that Soviet poli cies were paralyzing “ the community and communal life of Soviet Judi- asim,” and had produced “ the isola tion of the Jewish community from the world and Israel.” The delegates declared the faith of Latin-American Jewish communities in “ democracy and representative government.” Red China Restores Relics Long Ignored Red and gold paint and skilled craftmanship are restoring many of China’s cultural relics to their form er glory after years of decay and ne glect. Cultural workers in Peiping and other parts of the country have been studying these relics and carry ing out carefully-planned repairs dur ing 1961 since the government order put important sites under the protec tion of authorities. About 180 such sites were specified as “places of spe- Jewish Conference Appeals to Moscow
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