King's Business - 1963-02

TEACHER TRAINING . . . inyour own church!

complete sermons by outstanding English-speaking pastors of the past and present. Denominational lines are broken in the Series. McCraken stated, “We have recorded sermons by lead-, ing preachers from many denomina­ tions.” Some included are: Harold J. Ockenga, R. G. Lee, Billy Graham, Alan Redpath, Vance Havner, Ste­ phen Olford, and many others. Voices of the past will include Peter Mar­ shall, George W. Truett, Donald Grey Barnhouse, and Walter Meier. Dr. Hyman Appelman, noted Russian- bom evangelist, has warned that the Near East holds a greater threat to the United States than Berlin. Russia needs more oil than either it or its satellite countries can produce and the nearest oil deposits are in the Sinai peninsula, Dr. Appelman states. “ An invasion of the Near East by Russia is certain to come and perhaps very soon. All other aggressive moves from Moscow are merely feints to distract American attention and American forces since the United States would fight faster for that oil than for Pearl Harbor.” The philosophy of commun­ ism will not permit it to stop short of ruling the entire earth. Declaring that God would intervene and halt the spread of world communism, Dr. Appelman emphasized that “ we nev­ er need to feel alone in a time of crisis if we know Christ and place our trust in Him.” Dr. Richard S. Beal, Sr., pastor of the First Baptist Church in Tucson, Ari­

William T. Greig, Jr., vice president of Gospel Light Publications, recent­ ly had this to say about the new 1963 Vacation Bible School approach: “ In developing a new VBS course for 1963, we first sought an appealing, life-re­ lated theme that will reach and hold young and old for Christ. At the same time we wanted to take a realistic approach to the VBS worker shortage and the training problems faced by VBS directors and their staffs in most

Cntfait,(amr ■au(Initm(ntb

SIX STIMULATING COURSES (3 Bible, 3 Christian E d . ) . . .


"The Sunday school teacher has a larger impact upon the children in his class than most teachers realize. Every teacher should do his utmost to be at his best for the young lives entrusted to him. The E.T.T.A. leadership training pro­ gram is geared to help every teacher measure up to his responsibility, and I have noted with pleasure the effec­ tiveness of that program.” —Dr, V. Raymond Edman

Evangelical Teacher Training Association 1825 C O LLEG E A V E N U E B O X 327 . W H E A T O N , IL LIN O IS

Please send information telling HOW TO PRESENT E.T.T.A. COURSES in the local church Name ____________________________ Street______________________________ City • -v ( ) State. Win Youth!

Fairest Lord Jesus churches today.” Pictured above is a visualized hymn for the “ Living with Christ” course. It is one in a series that includes “How Great Thou Art,” “We’ve a Story to Tell,” and “ 0 Wor­ ship the King.” The book opens to 24 x 18” inch size, features full color illustrations matched to large type which can be seen by an entire group as the hymn is taught. N ext month KING’S BUSINESS editors w ill review new V.B.S. ma­ terials from various publishers. Paul A. Hopkins, who has been ex­ ecutive secretary of the Evangelical Foundation, Inc., of Philadelphia, has been elected Secretary for Africa by the American Bible Society. The ap­ pointment follows the recent an­ nouncement that the Society has ex­ panded its work in the distribution of Scriptures into 25 additional African countries for a total of 36. At present, at least one book of the Bible has been translated into 401 African languages. Jarrell McCracken, president of Word Records of Waco, Texas, has an­ nounced the development of a new service to preachers and interested laymen. It is called the “ Great Ser­ mons Series” and is a monthly service which enables subscribers to purchase long-playing albums containing two

We can help you win children and young people to Christ. Our missionaries are known for their vital gospel preaching, illustrated

zona, celebrates his 45th year of service in this church. Dr. Beal ' is held in highest esteem in the community as a preacher of the Gospel. R e c e n t l y t h e University of A r i z o n a bestowed upon him the Me­

by the best in visal aids. Our staff serve the Westcoast, North-central and South- central states. If your community needs an evangelistic campaign geared to reach the entire family, write: Dept. B-2 Y o u t h G o s p e l C r u s a d e , in c . « WES TB OR O WI S CO N S I N

dallion of Merit in recognition of his vital interest in the faculty and stu­ dent body of the school. He holds the honorary degrees of Doctor of Divinity and Doctor of Laws. He has published ten volumes of sermons under the general title of “ Rivers in the Desert.” Dr. Beal Rev. Joseph C. Wenninger, Jr., vice president and academic dean of the St. Paul Bible College, will assume the duties as president of the Simp­ son Bible College in San Francisco. He succeeds the retiring president, the Rev. Paul S. Allen, who has served as president since 1950.

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