King's Business - 1963-02

Spedai LOW GOST Hospitalization Coverage Available to NON-DRINKERS Only!


This unique plan for non-drinkers pays you $100.00 cash (tax free) for every week you are in the hospital. . . from the very first day . . . even for life! If you are carrying ordinary hospitalization insurance, your premiums are helping to pay for accidents, ill­ nesses, and hospital bills of drinkers. Alcoholism is now our nation’s No. 3 health problem, ranking immediately behind heart disease and cancer. Those who drink are sick more often, and for longer periods, than those who don’t drink. Until now, your insurance cost as much as theirs. Now, with rates based on the superior health records of non-drinkers, Gold Star rewards you for not drinking. Gold Star pays you $100.00 per week (or $14.28 per day ), from your first day in the hospital, and as long as you are there, even for life! Claim checks are sent directly to you by air mail special delivery, for you to spend as you see fit— for hospital or doctors’ bills, mort­ gage payments, food—anything you wish. Your policy cannot be cancelled by the company, no matter how long or how often you are sick. And the present low rate on your policy can never be raised as you grow older, or have too many claims, but only if the rates for all policy­ holders are changed! Could you afford a long siege in the hospital, with costly doctors’ bills, expensive drugs and medicines? Many people lose their savings, their cars, even their homes. Don’t take chances with your financial security. Remember— once the doctor says it’s your turn to enter the hospital, you can’t buy coverage at any price. NO AGE LIMIT. Same liberal benefits whether you are 1 or 100! GUARANTEED RENEWABLE. Only YOU can cancel your policy. Your protection continues as long as you live! NO WAITING PERIODS, Full benefits go into effect noon of the day your policy is issued. And Gold Star pays from the very first day you enter the hospital. NO SALESMAN WILL CALL. Policy is mailed to your home. Claim checks are sent air mail special delivery, directly to you, and can be used for rent, food, hospital, doctor bills—any purpose you wish! GOOD ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD. Gold Star has satisfied policyhold­ ers in all 50 states and in many foreign countries. YOU PAY ONLY FOR PROTECTION. No policy fees; no enrollment fees« no membership dues! ADDITIONAL GOLD STAR BENEFITS ONLY CONDITIONS NOT COVERED

DR. WILLIAM WARD AYER, noted evangelist, author and broadcaster: "We i ministers who spend much of our time combatting 'the works of the devil' discover alcohol is one of his chief instruments. Therefore, the financial appeal and reward to non-drinkers in the Gold Star Hospitalization Plan are strong arguments for total abstinence." DR. J. SIDL0W BAXTER, renowned Bible teacher and evangelist: "Gold Star gives non-drinkers deservedly special benefits, the best coverage at least cost, and is underwritten by leading insurance companies. It is based on sound business methods and Christian ethics. Here is long-needed fair play for the sober." ★ ★

Gold Star is the only hospitalization plan recommended and endorsed by over fifty nationally known leaders! SEND NO MONEY! We will mail your policy for your F ree Examination APPLICATION FOR GoldStar Total Abstainers’ HospitalizationPolicy Name (Please Print) 0-1 -4601-023 Street or RD# City 7nne State Date of Birth: Month Day Year Height Weight My occupation is Age My beneficiary is Relationship I also hereby apply for coverage for the members of my family listed below: NAME (Please Print) AGE HGHT. WGHT. BENEFICIARY 1. To the best of your knowledge and belief, do you or any person applying for coverage now have, or have you or they ever had any physical defect or deformity, high or low blood pressure, heart trouble, diabetes, cancer, arthritis, or tuberculosis; or have you or they, within the last 5 years, been disabled by either accident or illness, had medical advice or treatm ent, taken medication for any condition^ or been advised to have a surgical operation? □ Yes □ No If so, give details stating person affected, cause, date, name and address of attending physician and whether fully reco vered :_______________________________________________________________ Neither I nor any other person listed above uses alcoholic beverages, and I apply for a policy with the understanding that the policy will not cover any conditions existing prior to the issue date, and that it shall be issued solely and entirely in reliance upon the written answers to the above questions. Date: ................ formC.S713-3 Signed: X HERE ARE THE LOW MONTHLY G O L D S T A R r a t e s ^ Each person age 0 49 pays $4 . Each adult age 50-69 pays $6 . Each adult age 70 and over pays SEND NO MONEY NOW THE GOLD STAR PLAN is underwritten by the following leading com­ panies, (depending upon your-state of residence) : Guarantee Trust Life Insurance Company Chicago, III. National Liberty Life Insurance Company King o f Prussia, Pa. Old Security Life Insurance Company Kansas City, Mo. 2. 3.

C O M P A R E T H E S E G U A R A N T E E D B E N E F IT S :

Pays $2000.00 cash for acci­ dental death. Pays $2000.00 cash for accidental loss of one hand, or one foot, or sight of one eye. Pays $6000.00 cash for accidental loss of both hands, or both feet, or sight of both eyes.

Every kind of sickness and acci­ dent is covered, except hospi­ talization caused by use of a l­ coholic beverages or narcotics, reexisting conditions, mental or nervous disorders, any act of war, or pregnancy. Everything else IS covered!


* ™ « > D E M 0 S S ASSOCIATES, I N C , valut forgi , fa .

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