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“ I a p p r e c i a t e STONY BROOK’S Full Athletic Program” says Morris Clark Ephrata, Pennsylvania Stony Brook offers excellent opportunities for outdoor sports. Teams in football, cross country, basketball, wrestling,_ baseball, tennis, golf, and track are maintained at varsity, junior varsity and freshman levels. There is a nine-school Ivy League athletic schedule as well as a regular program of intra-mural sports. The gymnasium and two field houses are used for indoor sports. Twelve acres of athletic fields include three gridirons, two baseball diamonds, and a new quarter-mile cinder track. Christian Education at Stony Brook has real meaning. The atmosphere is wholesome without being pious. Boys are urged to live their lives in accordance with the will of God as set forth in Scripture. Bible Study is a major subject and is required of all students throughout the entire course. By maintaining a balance between .reli gious, academic, and recreational activities, the School aims at a harmony of ■ purpose. By intelligent appuca- * tion of this Christian program, in 1 both administration and teach- ing, Stony Brook is making a dis- ¿fmk tinctive contribution to American jfeM education. I S . D r . F rank E. G aebelein ■ S S L Headmaster - j a y sj For Catalogue and Information, write a , | Director of Admissions, Dept. 80 THE STONY BROOK SCHOOL Stony Brook, Long Island * New York
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Tragic Effects of the Recent Supreme Court Decision In June of 1962, the Supreme Court of our land rendered a decision stating, in effect, that a "non-sectarian” prayer recom mended by the State Board of Regents of the State of New York was unconstitutional. Regardless of the far-reaching, technical im plications of this most unfortunate decision, the practical effect has been to cast a shadow of doubt uppn the legality of all references to God in any way whatsoever in connection with public school activities and exercises. It has caused a rash of protests on the part of minority groups of free-thinkers, avowed atheists, skeptics and “ beatniks” of various age groups against the use of any prayer whatever or any Bible reading or even reference to God found in secular books dealing with various educational subjects. During the recent Christmas season, many school teachers and principals were forced to omit all Christmas parties for their children, for fear of rousing the ire of a small but very vociferous minority group. And now we read of the problem’s extending even to the use of the Dec laration of Independence and the song "America” . According to one news item, "the question is whether public schools in the State (New York) as part of their opening exercises may permit readings from the Bible or the Declaration of Independence or recitation of the fourth stanza of 'America’ Both the Declaration of Inde pendence and the fourth stanza of "America” contain references to God. The news item continued, "When the Hicksville (Long Island) School Board decided to substitute recitation of the last stanza of the 'Star-Spangled Banner’ as an official prayer, a parent protested to the Commissioner of Education in that District. He (the Commissioner) ruled that the national anthem could be sung in the schools but not designated as a prayer.” The Board of Trustees then adopted a program of opening exercises to be used by the teachers of the various grades within their jurisdiction. It consisted of (1) The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag; (2) the teachers could choose either to read a passage from the Bible or from the Declaration of Independence or have the pupils recite the fourth stanza of America. The fourth stanza reads, "Our fa thers’ God to Thee, Author of Liberty, to Thee we sing. Long may our land be bright with freedom’s holy light, protect us by Thy THE KING'S BUSINESS
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— 'Write for free catalog— Biola School of Missionary Medicine 558 S. Hope St., Los Angeles 17, Calif.
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