King's Business - 1963-02

A Time magazine article reports that many leading scientists believe a “God” created the .universe and then withdrew. For men and wom­ en in all walks of life, this raises a haunting question . . .

These scientists suggest that God, in effect, wound the clock of the universe and then retired. It is all right, they say, to believe in G o d . . . but it is folly to get too serious about it so far as the here and now are concerned, for God is far away. Is there scientific basis for what these scientists say? Are they really qualified to speak on supernatural things? Is what they say true? Is there any evidence that God has retired?

N U ! The answer thunders

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as these top people testify!

Dr. C. Everett Koop Chief Surgeon Children's Hospital Philadelphia

Mark O. Hatfield Governor of Oregon

Dr. Charlotte Tan Cancer researcher

Dr. Laurance Kulp Geochemical Lab Columbia University Director

Joan Winmill Brown Former English

Lt. Gen. W . K. Harrison, Jr. Korean Truce negotiator

Joe Romig All-American, Colorado


Scripture Press three other weekly take-home papers (Counselor, for juniors; Primary Days, for primaries; and Bible-time, for beginners) . . . c a n add a new dimension to your Sunday School. These dynamic, colorful papers will add impact and interest to every Sunday’s teaching time . . . with a valuable take-home bonus. Send today for free samples and complete information. SCRIPTURE PRESS M l WHEATON, ILLINOIS Please send me FREE samples and complete information about. . . □ Adult POWER n POWER for Teens— for Young Teens and Senior High. I~~1 COUNSELOR— for fourth, fifth, and sixth graders. □ PRIMARY DAYS— for 6’s, 7’s and 8’s. □ BIBLE-TIME— for 4’s and 5’s.

POWER, the weekly Sunday School take-home paper published by Scripture Press, will devote its May 16 issue to answering this question. Week after week for 20 years POWER has faced issues boldly, giving young peo­ ple and adults assurance through evidence from real life that God is and that He is the rewarder of them that diligently seek Him. POWER ( in separate adult and teen editions) . . . and

Inquire at your Christian Bookstore . . . or use cou­ pon to send for complete information on POWER . . . and the other award-win­ ning Scripture Press take- home papers!

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