Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay

Chapter VII: Magic

— d IVIne l ores —

P riests receive magical power through prayer and devotion. Each Priest must take the Divine Lore talent appropriate to his favoured God (see Chapter 4: Skill and Talents for details on the Divine Lore talent). This book provides ten Divine Lores, but others will be made available in future books. T he l ore of m anann Manann is the God of the Sea. He is the patron of all those who make their living on the sea, from fisherman and sailors to marines and pirates. Priests of Manann use spells from their deity to help worshippers weather the capriciousness of the sea and Manann himself. Clerics who often call upon Manann find their tempers becoming fickle and tempestuous, and their moods waxing and waning with the moon. b lessed V oyage Casting Number: 5 Casting Time: 1 minute Ingredient: A bottle of wine (+1) Description: You pray for Manann’s blessings at the beginning of a sea voyage. Any Navigation Tests made on the voyage gain a +10% bonus as long as you remain onboard. b reaThe w aTer Casting Number: 7 Casting Time: Full action Ingredient: A live fish (+1) Description: Your touch and the power of Manann confers the ability to breathe water for 1 hour. This is a touch spell and you can cast it on yourself. w aTer b lasT Casting Number: 10 Casting Time: Half action Ingredient: A vial of seawater (+1) Description: You shoot a powerful blast of seawater from your outstretched hands at one opponent within 36 yards (18 squares). This is a magic missile with Damage 4. The target of a water blast must make a successful Strength Test or be knocked to the ground. w aTerwalk Casting Number: 14 Casting Time: Full action Ingredient: A dried water beetle (+2) Description: You can walk on water for a number of minutes equal to your Magic Characteristic. You can also walk over marsh and swampland as if it were firm ground. b eCalm Casting Number: 16 Casting Time: Full action Ingredient: A dagger carved of whalebone (+2) Description: You steal the wind out of the sails of one ship within 96 yards (48 squares). The ship is completely becalmed and unless it has oars it will remain dead in the water for 1 hour.

C urse of The a lbaTross Casting Number: 19 Casting Time: Full action Ingredient: An albatross feather (+2) Description: You call down doom on enemies of Manann within 48 yards (24 squares). Use the large template. Those affected have the Critical Value of any Critical Hits suffered increased by 2 for the next minute. T he l ore of m orr Morr is the God of Death and Dreams. He is the lord of the underworld and protects the dead and dreamers. His Priests provide funerary rites to the dead and do Morr’s work in the world. Those who call upon Morr’s miracles often find themselves becoming pale and somewhat distracted from this world. They often feel duty bound to aid ghosts or other trapped spirits. p reserVe C orpse Casting Number: 5 Casting Time: 1 minute Ingredient: A piece of fresh fruit (+1) Description: You temporarily stop the decomposition of one corpse. It remains perfectly preserved for 24 hours. During this period, the corpse cannot be re-animated by necromantic spells. s Ign of The r aVen Casting Number: 9 Casting Time: Half action Ingredient: A raven’s feather (+1) Description: You summon a ghostly raven (the symbol of Morr) that casts the shadow of death over the field. You and all your allies within 12 yards (6 squares) add +1 to all your damage rolls. Lasts a number of rounds equal to your Magic Characteristic. d ream m essage Casting Number: 10 Casting Time: 1 minute Ingredient: A piece of wool (+1) Description: You appear in the dreams of one character and deliver a message no longer than 30 seconds long. The receiver must be someone you’ve met personally, must speak a common language, and must be asleep when the spell is cast. d esTroy u ndead Casting Number: 13 Casting Time: Half action Ingredient: A wooden stake (+2) Description: Your touch causes a Damage 8 hit on an Undead opponent. This is a touch spell. V IsIon of m orr Casting Number: 15 Casting Time: 1 minute Ingredient: A mushroom harvested from a grave (+2) Description: You pray to Morr and ask for a vision relating to a


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