Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay

Chapter II: Character Creation

C haraCTer C reaTIon

C hapTer II

“I’m a butcher by trade, but bein’ an adventurer isn’t that different. The meat I cut with my cleaver just wriggles a bit more now.” — Herman Frank, Nuln Tradesman

T he character creation process starts with an important question: what race do you want to play? In Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay, you can choose from four: Dwarf, Elf, Halfling, and Human. Each race has different strengths and weaknesses. An overview of each follows. Once you’ve read these over, pick the race that appeals to you most. Then you’ll be ready to move on to the next step, generating Characteristics. d warfs Dwarfs are a short but burly and resilient race of warriors and craftsmen. Most live under the mountains in mighty holds, with mines extending deep beneath the earth. They are immediately recognizable by their stout frames, long hair, and thick beards. They tend to be gruff and short-tempered and they are legendary for their ability to hold a grudge. However, Dwarfs are a courageous people and unswervingly loyal to their friends and allies. They are struggling to preserve the This chapter explains how to create your WFRP character. This is a simple process that shouldn’t take more than half an hour. To get started, you’ll need a blank character record sheet (you can find one on page 253 or in the WFRP Character Pack ). This is where you write down all your character’s abilities. You’ll be using it a lot during play and altering it as the game progresses, so it’s best to write on it clearly and in pencil. You’ll E ach player in WFRP controls character, known as a Player Character or PC. This is your alter ego in the Warhammer World. You might be an arrogant Noble, a crazed Dwarf Troll Slayer, or a grubby Rat Catcher. All Player Characters have one thing in common: they are adventurers. This means that they have struck out on their own, leaving behind the norms of everyday society to pursue fame and fortune with what skills and abilities they have. Adventurers are not normal folk. They are ambitious, often heroic, and at least partly crazy. They’d have to be to fight Goblins deep beneath the earth, match wits with Chaos cultists, and face the living dead.

remnants of their mountain kingdom from Orcs, Goblins, and other foul creatures. Dwarfs have strong ties to the Humans of the Empire and many are now a part of Imperial society. Background Dwarfs are an ancient race. Long before the Human tribes settled the region now known as the Empire, the Dwarfs built mighty cities beneath the World’s Edge Mountains. Their proud civilization stretched across the Old World. Their mines delved deep into the earth, producing precious metals and stones. Their craftsmen produced wondrous items inscribed with runes of power. Their armies demolished the forces of Chaos and other enemies with axe and artillery. The Dwarfs indeed shone brightly, but it could not last. The Dwarfs were unwittingly drawn into the feud between the High Elves and their Dark Elf kin. The Dwarfs and High Elves, once allies against the forces of Chaos, fought a long and brutal war, known by the Dwarfs as the War of Vengeance. The Dwarfs were ultimately ten sided dice from almost anywhere you can purchase this book. C haraCTer C reaTIon o VerVIew The Character creation sequence in WFRP is as follows: 1) Choose your race. See pages 15-17. 2) Generate your Characteristics. See pages 17-19. 3) Record your racial features. See page 19. 4) Determine your personal details. See pages 21-26. 5) Roll for your starting career. See page 20. 6) Record the details of your career. See page 20. 7) Take one free advance. See page 20. 8) Start playing WFRP ! also need two ten sided dice (d10). These will be the dice you’ll be using throughout your games of WFRP , so ideally they’ll be of two different colours (see Reading the Dice to learn why). You should be able to buy

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