Chapter XII: Through the Drakwald
h ans b aumer A tall, bearded man in his thirties, Hans is one of the forest-dwellers who came to Untergard for safety. He is a quiet man, preferring the solitude of the wilderness to the bustle of town. He spends his days out in the forest, hunting and scouting for the approach of any hostile forces, returning to the town only at dusk. The small game he occasionally brings back helps to supplement the meagre living provided
Hans Baumer, Woodsman Career: Woodsman Race: Human
Main Profile WS BS
S WP Fel 42% 25% 41% 34% 35% 33% 38% 25% Secondary Profile A W SB TB M Mag IP FP 1 14 4 3 5 0 3 0 Skills: Concealment, Follow Trail, Gossip, Perception, Secret Language (Ranger Tongue), Secret Signs (Ranger), Scale Sheer Surface, Silent Move, Speak Language (Reikspiel) Talents: Acute Hearing, Fleet Footed, Resistance to Disease, Rover, Specialist Weapon Group (Two-handed) Armour: Light Armour (Leather Jack) T Ag Int
by the townsfolk’s fields and livestock, although Captain Schiller has voiced the fear that anything caught in the forest might now be tainted by Chaos, so some people prefer not to eat it. So far, though, no one has shown any ill effects from eating game. The GM should note that Hans is out of town when the adventure begins; he will appear later on. f aTher d IeTrICh
Armour Points : Head 0, Arms 1, Body 1, Legs 0 Weapons: Great Weapon (Two-handed Axe) Trappings : Backpack Father Dietrich, Priest of Sigmar Career: Priest (ex-Initiate) Race: Human
Father Dietrich was sent from Altdorf to guide the masses when Untergard’s town priest was killed during the big battle. As the only non-local, he has yet to make a place for himself among the townsfolk, but as a Priest of Sigmar, he is treated with respect, if not warmth. Most people prefer to go to Granny Moescher with their problems. Untergard’s temple was destroyed along with the rest of eastern half of
Main Profile WS BS
a few people who live outside the town walls. Captain Schiller has tried several times to get her to move to the centre of the town, but she refuses to leave her home. Among other things, Granny has been instrumental in seeing that the orphans left by the attack are looked after; she has farmed several of them out to surviving families, and at any time there will be from three to six orphans living in her house and helping out with chores. Should the party include any spellcasters, you may opt to allow them a Challenging (–10%) Perception Test to notice “something odd” about Granny Moescher. Over the years Granny has perfect the art of keeping her Wizardly nature secret even from others with Witchsight. Though she is a sweet natured soul, the toll of maintaining this charade, and a dark reminder of her past, will ultimately bring about the climactic ending of this adventure. See Granny’s Secrets on page 244 for more on this. WP Fel 37% 27% 41% 37% 24% 30% 48% 43% Secondary Profile A W SB TB M Mag IP FP 1 13 4 3 4 0 3 0 Skills: Academic Knowledge (History), Academic Knowledge (Theology) +10%, Charm, Heal, Perception, Read/Write, Speak Language (Classical, Reikspiel) Talents: Public Speaking, Resistance to Magic, Strike to Injure, Suave, Very Strong, Warrior Born Armour: Medium Armour (Full Leather Armour, Mail Shirt, Helmet) Armour Points : Head 3, Arms 1, Body 3, Legs 1 Weapons: Hand Weapon (Warhammer) Trappings: Prayer Book, Symbol of Sigmar, Relic, Slingbag, Writing Kit S T Ag Int
town, but Father Dietrich has established a makeshift shrine close to the western end of the bridge, where he conducts services. The most educated person in the town, he also serves as an advisor to Captain Schiller on spiritual and magical matters. Father Dietrich tends to be humourless, but he is honest, forthright, and extremely devoted to both Sigmar and the Empire. g eTTIng s TarTed The first thing you should do is give your players Handout 1: The Storm of Chaos (or read it to them if you haven’t been able to photocopy it). This document gives your players some background on recent events in the Empire and on the town of Untergard. The information presented is not, of course, entirely accurate. It is what they’ve heard from refugees, passing soldiers, itinerate preachers, and grief-stricken widows—not
necessarily the truth. Welcome to the Empire! a s harp r eporT
When the PCs arrive at the Ackerplatz, describe the scene before them. You can read aloud the following shaded text or paraphrase it for your players. You’ll see text like this throughout the adventure and this format always indicates something you should relate to your players.
Most of the 75 survivors of Untergard have already gathered in the decrepit town square, and are muttering restlessly to one another. Many still nurse battle wounds; whilst others are clearly too old or young to have taken place in the fighting. All are ragged and pale, and some are clearly pinched by hunger.
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