Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay

Chapter III: Careers

d angerous k nowledge The shop looked like it had been here for centuries, but Meyer had never seen it before. He wondered how he could have missed it all the years he studied at the University of Altdorf. He had to admit that some of his student days were a bit hazy, however. Perhaps he had been here and simply forgotten? Leaving aside the issue of the shop’s origins, Meyer continued to browse the shop’s dusty books and exotic curios. He had no interest in supposed Lustrian lizard heads or Cathayan dragon puppets. No, it was the books that interested the bespectacled scholar. There were some unusual titles on the shelf, albeit books Meyer had long ago acquired. The scholar found the proprietor, an old man with faded tattoos on his hands, stuffing what looked like a giant rat for display. “Good day, my young friend!” he said. “How can I help you?” Meyer pulled out a piece of parchment and handed it to the old man. “I was wondering if you might have any of these titles in your collection?” the scholar asked. The proprietor scanned the list and a knowing smile crossed his face. “Come with me,” he said softly, and led Meyer through the curtains to the back room. The scholar looked at the man’s hands as he dug through a pile of books. No matter how hard he tried, he could not bring the tattoos into focus. Were they runes or glyphs? Some type of guild sign perhaps? Meyer could not decide. Soon, the old man found what he was looking for and thrust a tattered book at Meyer. It was a copy of On the Nature of the Soul by Tranicus, a classic certainly, but distressingly common. “I am well-versed in the works of Tranicus,” Meyer said, a touch of exasperation in his voice. “What about the books on my list?” The proprietor smiled. “Never mind those,” he said. “I think this edition is closer to your true interests. Look inside. I think you’ll be impressed by the quality of the translation.” Perturbed, Meyer flicked the book open to the title page. His eyes went wide as he read it. “This is not Tranicus,” he whispered. “This is The Flayed Man .” Meyer’s mind raced as he examined the book. The Flayed Man was a legendary Necromantic tome. All copies were said to have been destroyed 500 years ago by the Order of the Cleansing Flame. The old man grinned. “Will you be purchasing this fine edition of Tranicus today?” The scholar considered the question carefully. He was no Necromancer but the chance to the read The Flayed Man was beyond enticing. Were he caught with the forbidden tome, the Witch Hunters would burn him for sure though. But to read the words no scholar had set eyes on in 500 years... “I am interested,” Meyer said slowly, “but a poor scholar such as myself surely can’t afford such a rare edition.” “Don’t you worry about that,” the old man said, rubbing his tattooed hands together. “I’m sure we can work something out.”

What are the criteria for entry? Who are the important members and how might you come to their attention? By always keeping the future in mind, you develop your character over time and make the mechanics of changing careers another part of the unfolding story.

number of related professions in the Empire. Sergeant, for example, can represent a non-commissioned officer in the militia, the Imperial Army, the Roadwardens, or a Mercenary company. When moving into a career such as this, you need to figure out how your character fits in. Again, you should work with your GM to make sure your ideas mesh with the campaign. Your goal here is to take the general and make it specific. This helps you better define your place in the Old World. It’s not enough to know you’re a Knight, for example. Are you a free lance or a member of the Knights of the White Wolf? If you want to be a member of a specific organisation, this is something you can work towards in play. You can be seeking contacts, investigating criteria, trying to impress the right people, and so on. In other words, you can be roleplaying towards the career you are trying to reach at the same time you are gaining experience points. Your career switch will then make much Your character will always be changing and growing. Once you have begun a new career, even if it’s one you’re going to be in for some time, it’s worth thinking about where you are going next. Planning out how you’re going to spend your xp can be a very good idea. What advances, skills, and talents are most important to you and should be bought early. Spellcasters, for example, will want to increase their Magic Characteristic as soon as possible. You should also think about your next career and how you’re going to get there. Let’s say you became a Knight of the White Wolf, what then? The next logical step is Knight of the Inner Circle, which represents the leadership of the organisation. Well, how does one become a Knight of the Inner Circle? Does this group have a special name or symbol? more sense in the context of the story. T he n eXT s Tep

C areer e XIT o pTIons It could be that you don’t like any of the Career Exits given in your current career. When this happens, you can move into another Basic Career of your choice with the following restrictions: • Switching to a Basic Career that isn’t one of your listed Career Exits cost 200 xp instead of 100 xp. However, you may make this switch without completing your current career. • The GM must approve the switch, so you should be able to make a case as to why it makes sense for your character. • You cannot enter the following careers in this way, except under special circumstances: Estalian Diestro, Kislevite Kossar, Noble, and Norse Berserker. • All other career restrictions continue to apply. Only Dwarfs can become Runebearers or Troll Slayers, for instance. You also have another option if you don’t like the Career Exits of your current career. You may, at your option, take a Career Exit from any of your previous careers. If you were a Scholar and a former Apprentice Wizard, for example, you could become a Journeyman Wizard even though it isn’t a Career Exit for Scholar.


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