Building Industry Hawaii - July 2023



T he decrease in the number of projects from private and public sectors caused Paradigm Construction LLC to experi- ence a 6 percent decrease in revenue last year, from $33 million in 2021 to $31 million in 2022, according to President Alex Kwon. That makes Paradigm a 2023 Noteworthy Contender on Hawaii’s Top 25 Contractors list. Kwon says Paradigm was able to incrementally grow its workforce to 55, up from 50 the year before.

The company’s name derives from a new shift in general contracting Kwon wanted to provide the community. “Our niche market is basically civil infrastructure work for residential subdivisions,” he says. “All our projects involve some grading work, structural walls, utility mains — such as water, sewer, electrical — and new roadway work, including landscaping. “The most challenging part of our projects was how to effectively manage and complete our scope of work in time, when faced with constant short-supply issues. Our project deadlines are very important because they have a direct impact on new home buyers.” In 2022, Paradigm completed a Koa Ridge Site M2 Multi-family subdivision project, single-family subdivisions at Ewa by Gentry’s Area 32, and subdivisions at Ho‘opili Parcels 98 and 100. As for the future, Kwon is hoping for the best. “If we can have a soft landing or no recession in the near future, then the construction industry will continue to prosper.” – Jackie M. Young

2022 REVENUE: $31M



“Given current economic uncertainty, we are just trying to keep up with our volume of work, and not aggressively look for growth,” he says. But this is a far cry from when Kwon founded Paradigm in 2005 with only himself and rented workers from other companies. “Fortunately, we have a very strong project management team consisting of dedicated trade workers and office staff that strive to perform their best on our projects with the essence of safety, quality and pride,” Kwon says.

Among Paradigm Construction’s com- pleted projects last year was a multi- family subdivision at Koa Ridge on O‘ahu. PHOTO COURTESY PARADIGM CONSTRUCTION LLC

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