FMN | March 15th, 2021

BestBrightHalfHOUSEfour.qxp_Layout 1 9/13/18 3:04 PM Page 1 The Flexible Packaging Association (FPA) has an- nounced the winners of the FPA 2021 Student Flexi- Fort Dearborn Acquisition (Cont’d from Page 1) School of Print Media at RIT facilitated an education- al exchange program for Hammer associates and also brought about a new partnership for research and de- velopment. In 2012, Hammer completed an expansion of the corporate headquarters. Adding Flexo In 2017,Hammer added a 10-color flexographic press. This press, the company’s second, brought a host of upgrades, including enhanced laminating capabilities, plus a sheeting-conveying set-up for roll-to-sheet print- ing. Additionally, a new hot stamping unit expanded the company’s capability for printing and embossing metallic foil with precision, complementing extension cold foiling capabilities.The press boasts LED and UV curing technology, and an AVT camera offers automat- ic 100 percent print inspection and quality control advantages. FPA Announces 2021 Student Packaging Design Winners

ble Packaging Design Challenge. This year’s first and second place winners were teams of students from the University of Wisconsin – Stout under the direc- tion of Gary Borges.There were also three honorable mentions awarded for the 2021 competition. FPA’s annual Achievement Awards competition rec- ognizes innovative flexible packaging from across its membership.The industry also believes it is important to encourage and recognize students who are working to become the next generation of packaging designers. The newly created Emerging Leadership Council (ELC) is now overseeing the Student Flexible Packag- ing Design Challenge and judged this year’s competi- tion. The first place winning team is comprised of Caylee Boone,Abbey Dahlseng, Liam Gallagher, andAnna Kent. A packaging concept for bandages was the second place winner, also a team of students from the Univer- sity of Wisconsin – Stout. Connor Erwin, Corey Klatt, and Ben Lindgren, also under the direction of Gary Borges, designed a flexible packaging solution for ban- dages to improve the current paperboard packaging. The final honorable mention was awarded to Jai Arau- jo from San José State University under the direction of Xiaojing (Kate) Liu, Ph.D., for her Running Water — TheWater for Runners concept.

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