At the University of East London, we're constantly adapting. Today's world is changing constantly. Tomorrow's problems are unknown. Society depends on experts for an- swers. Everything we do is geared towards preparing for an unpredictable future. Vision 2028 is our ambitious 10-year strategy. We're working with industry to reshape education for the benefit of all, giving students from any background the skills and op- portunities to thrive in a changing world. Our priorities remain resolute to our mission: driving career-ready student inclusion, in- creasing our reputation for the benefit of our alumni and social impact of the University.


Digital First Developing digital fluency throughout the University, creating learning experiences and spaces which meet the needs of future students, employers and entrepre- neurs. Connected Campus We are globally connected with educators, industry and communities to pioneer futures for a 4.0 economy and inclusive society. Health Gain We believe in health, physical activity and sport for all. We have an elite athlete zone and are the London Talent Hub for Basketball England. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion We are committed to realising an inclusive environment and are one of only 12 universities in the UK with the Race Equality Charter.

The University of East London has been pioneering futures since 1898, from the 2nd Industrial Revolution through to where we are now, the 4th. We are a careers-led university. Our mission is to prepare you for the jobs of the future."


Professor Amanda J.Broderick, Vice-Chancellor & President

In Year 3/4 of Vision 2028, we contin- ued to be tested by the global pandem- ic and since then have taken decisive action to advance our education and research impact, while responding dy- namically in constantly changing cir- cumstances. Our multi-layered Covid response sys- tem kept our community safe, our Dual Delivery framework engaged students to ever-higher levels, and our series of wellbeing initiatives provided intellectu- al, emotional and physical support dur- ing a historically difficult time. We also took the opportunity to explore new themes. In Year 3 of Vision 2028 we moved for- ward with the following strategies: • Becoming a leader in the local and global climate change conversation and a net-zero carbon institution

ing of students, staff and the local community with care, compassion and commitment Harnessing the power of sport to transform lives individually, locally and nationally This year we also celebrated the launch of our multi-million pound Connected Campus improvement programme, designed to increase the accessibility of our campuses to our community and to enhance the education and industry inter- face

Future professional | EMPLOYER LED CAREERS ZONES We are proud to announce ground-breaking col- laborations with world-leading companies to drive graduate-level careers and fulfil rewarding life goals. Sustainability | EDUCATION 4.0 Implementing cloud technologies to improve per- formance, generate cost savings and provide an outstanding learning experience for students. Future Graduate | MAXIMISING MENTAL WEALTH The world of work is changing and so are our de- grees. We are developing professional fitness to accelerate employment-readiness for a 4.0 econ- omy.

Now, as we continue to focus in Year 4 of Vision 2028, our careers-first vision has remained constant. We empow- er our learners, build Industry 5.0 ca- reer-readiness, and nurture an inclu- sive industry-facing environment that is central to the creation of a more di- verse talent pipeline.

Supporting the health and wellbe-


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