CHRISTOPHER SMITH christopher.smith@eap.on.ca
UCPR council received a report regar- ding a project to improve cellphone service coverage in Eastern Ontario. During the committee of the whole meeting on April 12, the United Counties of Prescott and Russell council (UCPR) SFDFJWFEBSFQPSUGSPNUIF&BTUFSO0OUBSJP 3FHJPOBM/FUXPSL &03/ SFHBSEJOHJUT$FMM Gap Project, presented by Lisa Severson and Jason St. Pierre. &03/JTBOPOQSPàUPSHBOJ[BUJPOEFEJ cated to improving rural connectivity, and the Cell Gap Project is aimed at improving SFMJBCMFDFMMTFSWJDFBDSPTT&BTUFSO0OUBSJP The report started with an outline of the &03/TDPSFWBMVFTBOEJUTDVSSFOUQSPKFDUT including the broadband expansion project, the Cell Gap Project, and the Municipal Fibre QSPKFDU&03/OFHPUJBUFEBZFBSDPOUSBDU with Bell to bring high speed internet to the SFHJPOBOEQMBDFLJMPNFUSFTPGOFX PQUJDBMàCSFDBCMFJO TJHOFEBDPOUSBDU XJUI3PHFSTGPSUIF$FMM(BQQSPKFDUJO and began construction on new regional cell UPXFSTJO The current timeline for the Cell Gap project outlines construction plans for new DFMMUPXFSTUPàMMJOHBQTCFUXFFOUIFFYJT ting towers. The current towers are too far away from each other to provide consistent coverage for cellular data, and even voice and text services are seeing interruptions. 5IF&03/JTSFRVJSFECZGFEFSBMTUBOEBSET to provide seamless voice calls, with no interruptions or dropped calls. The Cell Gap project aims to achieve 99 percent coverage for normal cell phone calls, 95 percent coverage for standard data service that supports web browsing, email, and social media, and 85 percent coverage GPSIJHIEFàOJUJPOEBUBTFSWJDFTVDIBTWJEFP DPOGFSFODJOH TUSFBNJOH BOEPUIFSEBUB intensive applications. The project aims to upgrade 312 existing DFMMUPXFSTUPTVQQPSU-5&BOE(UFDIOP MPHZ DPOTUSVDUOFXDFMMUPXFSTBDSPTT UIFSFHJPO BOECPSSPXTQBDFPODFMM towers belonging to other providers. The &03/SFQPSUJOEJDBUFEUIBUVQHSBEFT are complete, 13 new sites are in service, and 15 borrowed sites are operational. The agency expects to meet or exceed the project HPBMTCZ4FSWJDFMFWFMBHSFFNFOUTBSF JOQMBDFGPSàWFZFBSTUPFOTVSFDBQBDJUZJT maintained. &03/ FYQFDUT UIF DPNQMFUFE QSPKFDU will result in tighter cellular coverage and also increase the call capacity of the local OFUXPSL JNQSPWFFDPOPNJDEFWFMPQNFOU opportunities, increase tourism experiences, improve public safety, and support future deployment of new technologies. 5IFQSPKFDUXBTGVOEFEUISPVHIB million investment from various organi [BUJPOT CFGPSFJOLJOEDPOUSJCVUJPOTBOE DPNNVOJUZCFOFàUT The federal government contributed UIFQSPWJODJBMHPWFSONFOU DPOUSJCVUFE 3PHFSTQSPWJEFE BNJOJNVNPG BOEUIF&BT UFSO0OUBSJP8BSEFOT$BVDVT &08$ BOE &BTUFSO0OUBSJP.BZPST$BVDVT &0.$ KPJOUMZDPOUSJCVUFE 5IF6$13JUTFMGDPOUSJCVUFE but since it prepaid its investment, $51,231 was returned in accrued interest.
Jason St. Pierre a présenté une mise à jour du projet Cell Gap de l’EORN visant à améliorer le service de téléphonie cellulaire dans l’est de l’Ontario. -Photo du site web
Nous avons reçu un don de 10 540 $ à la suite de votre récente collecte de fonds au nom du Centre d’Aide Rockland. Food Basics a collaboré avec nous de nombreuses façons par le passé et nous avons la plus haute estime pour vous et votre personnel en tant que bons citoyens corporatifs de Clarence Rockland. Au nom de notre conseil d’administration et de nos bénévoles, nous tenons à vous exprimer notre sincère gratitude. Sur la photo : Nico Giguère, superviseur de caisse, Sabrina Greenham, Bookkeeper, Judy Whissell, Bookkeeper/ caissière, et André Perras, président du Centre d’Aide Rockland Help Centre. We have received a donation of $10,540 as a result of your recent fundraiser on behalf of the Rockland Help Centre. Food Basics has collaborated with us in many ways in the past, and we have the highest regard for you and your staff as good corporate citizens of Clarence-Rockland. On behalf of our Board of Directors and volunteers, we would like to express our sincere appreciation. In the picture: Nico Giguere, Cashier Supervisor; Sabrina Greenham, Bookkeeper; Judy Whissell, Bookkeeper/Cashier; and André Perras, President of Centre d’Aide Rockland Help Centre
2815, rue Chamberland, Rockland ON K4K 1K6 • 613-446-7594
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