2024 Business and Accountancy Catalog


3. Meaning of quorum ........................................................... 272 4. Basis of quorum in each House ........................................ 272 5. Adjournment in absence of quorum ................................. 273 6. Meaning and function of rules of procedure .................... 273 7. Limitations on power to determine rules ......................... 274 8. Power of each House to punish its members ................... 274 9. Votes required ................................................................... 275 10. Each House sole judge of disorderly behavior ................. 275 11. Meaning of legislative journal .......................................... 275 12. Purpose of journal-keeping requirement ......................... 276 13. Matters to be entered in the journal ................................ 276 14. Adjournment by either House without consent of the other ............................................................... 277

SECTION 25 1. Meaning of budget .............................................................. 291 2. Submission of proposed budget by the President ............ 291 3. Increase of appropriation recommended by the President ........................................................ 292 4. Prohibition against riders .................................................. 292 5. Procedure in approving appropriations ........................... 293 6. Requirements with respect to special appropriations bill ................................................... 293 7. Requirement to insure a balanced budget ........................ 294 8. Prohibition against transfer of funds ............................... 294 9. Rule as to discretionary funds .......................................... 295 10. Automatic reappropriation ............................................... 296 SECTION 26 1. Limitations on the power of Congress .............................. 297 2. Prohibition against delegation of legislative powers ....... 297 3. Prohibition against the enactment of irrepealable laws .................................................. 298 4. Requirements as to subject and title of bills .................... 298 5. Meaning of hodge-podge or log-rolling legislation ........... 299 6. Effect of violation of requirement ...................................... 299 7. Exceptions to the requirement ......................................... 300 8. Purpose of provision requiring three (3) readings of bill .......................................................................... 300 9. Certification of bills by the President ............................... 300 10. Purpose of requirement that yeas and nays be entered in the journal ............................................... 301 SECTION 27 1. Meaning of bill .................................................................... 302 2. Meaning of statute ............................................................. 302 3. How statutes identified ...................................................... 302 4. Formal parts of a law ........................................................ 302 5. Steps in the passage of a bill ............................................ 303 6. When bill may become a law ............................................. 305 7. Veto power of the President .............................................. 306 8. Purpose of veto .................................................................. 306 9. Pocket veto not allowed ..................................................... 306 10. When partial veto allowed ................................................ 307 11. Meaning of resolution......................................................... 307 12. Use of resolutions .............................................................. 308 13. Kinds of resolutions ........................................................... 308


1. Electoral Tribunal in each House ..................................... 278 2. Commission on Appointments in Congress ..................... 279


1. Records of Congress open to public .................................. 281


1. Power of legislative inquiry and investigation ................ 282 2. Scope of the power .............................................................. 282



Appearance of heads of departments during Congress’ question hour .......................................... 284


1. Power of Congress to declare existence of a state of war ............................................................... 286 2. War contemplated ............................................................. 286 3. Delegation of emergency powers ...................................... 286


1. Meaning of appropriations bill ......................................... 287 2. Kinds of appropriations ..................................................... 288 3. Meaning of other bills ....................................................... 288 4. Bills which must originate exclusively in the House of Representatives ......................................... 289




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