2024 Business and Accountancy Catalog


Article XIV — EDUCATION, SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, ARTS, CULTURE, AND SPORTS EDUCATION Section 1 (1) Meaning of education, 307; (2) Ways for acquiring education, 308; (3) Life, a continuing education, 308; (4) Goals in giving priority to education, etc., 308; (4) Importance of education, 309; (5) Right of all citizens to quality education, 310. Section 2 (1) System of education to be established and maintained by the State, 312; (2) Free public education and scholarships to be provided, 313; (3) Compulsory elementary education for all children of school age, 314; (4) Natural rights of parents to rear their children recognized, 314; (5) Non-formal, informal, and indigenous learning systems to be encouraged, 315; (6) Training in civics, vocational efficiency, and other skills to be provided, 316; (7) K to 12 basic education program, 316. Section 3 (1) Study of Constitution to be part of school curricula, 318; (2) Educational aims of schools, 319; (3) Optional religious instruction in public elementary and high schools to be allowed, 320. Section 4 (1) Complementary roles of public and private educational institutions recognized, 321; (2) State power over educational institutions, 322; (3) Ownership and management of educational institutions by Filipino citizens, 322; (4) Exemption from taxes and duties, 322. Section 5 (1) Regional and sectoral needs and conditions to be taken into account, 323; (2) Institutions of higher learning to enjoy academic freedom, 324; (3) Guarantee not academic license, 324; (4) Right of every citizen to select a profession or course of study, 325; (5) Right of teachers to professional advancement, 325; (6) Right of non-teaching academic and non-academic personnel, 326; (7) State to assign the highest budgetary priority to education, 326. LANGUAGE Section 6 (1) Meaning of language, 327; (2) Official language and national language, 327; (3) Need for a national language, 328.

Section 7 (1) Official languages of the Philippines, 328; (2) Proficiency in English, 328; (3) Auxiliary official languages, 329. Section 8 (1) Constitution officially promulgated in Filipino and English, 330; (2) Translation, 330. Section 9 National language commission to be established, 330. SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Sections 10-13 (1) Meaning of science and technology, 331; (2) Promotion of science and technology, 331; (3) Participation of the private sector, 332. ARTS AND CULTURE Section 14 (1) Meaning of arts and culture, 334; (2) Promotion of culture, 335; (3) Principle of unity in diversity, 335. Sections 15-16 Cultural treasures of the nation, 336. Section 17 Rights of indigenous cultural communities, 337. Section 18 Equal access to cultural opportunities, 337. SPORTS Section 19 (1) Meaning of sports, 338; (2) Promotion of sports, 338.

Article XV — THE FAMILY Section 1 The Filipino family, the foundation of the nation, 340. Section 2 Marriage, the foundation of the family, 341. Section 3 Duty of State to defend family rights, 343.




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