2. Power of appointment of the President............................. 168 3. Ad interim appointments .................................................... 168 4. Removal power of the President ....................................... 169 Section 17 1. Power of control of the President ....................................... 169 2. Power of the President to ensure that the laws be faithfully executed .................................................... 170 Section 18 1. Military power of the President.......................................... 172 2. Power of the President to suspend privilege of writ of habeas corpus ............................................... 172 3. Meaning of martial law ....................................................... 173 4. Power of the President to declare martial law.................. 173 5. Restrictions on the exercise of two (2) powers ................. 173 Section 19 1. Pardoning power of the President...................................... 174 2. Meaning of certain terms ..................................................... 174 3. Limitations upon the pardoning power ............................ 175 Section 20 1. Authority of President to contract and guarantee foreign loans ................................................................... 176 Section 21 1. Meaning of treaty or international agreement.................. 176 2. Approval or ratification ....................................................... 176 Section 22 1. Budgetary power of the President...................................... 177 Section 23 1. Prerogative of the President to address and appear before Congress .............................................................. 177
1. Meaning of judicial power................................................... 179 2. Scope of judicial power ........................................................ 179 3. Cases involving rights/grave abuse of discretion ........... 180 4. Judicial power vested in one Supreme Court and in lower courts................................................................ 181 5. Independence of the judiciary............................................. 181 Section 2 1. Power to apportion jurisdiction of various courts vested in Congress......................................................... 182 Section 3 1. Fiscal autonomy enjoyed by Judiciary............................... 183 Section 4 1. Composition of the Supreme Court ................................... 184 2. Sitting procedure................................................................... 184 Section 5 1. Jurisdiction of the Supreme Court...................................... 186 2. Temporary assignment of judges of lower courts to other stations .................................................. 187 3. Change of venue or place of trial........................................ 187 4. Rule-making power of the Supreme Court....................... 187 5. Substantive and procedural law/rights distinguished .................................................................. 188 6. Appointment of officials and employees .......................... 188 Section 6 1. Administrative supervision over lower courts................. 189 Section 7 1. Qualifications of members of the judiciary ....................... 189 Sections 8-9 1. Appointment of members of the Supreme Court and judges of lower courts ........................................... 191
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