2024 Business and Accountancy Catalog


AUTONOMOUS REGIONS Section 15 1. Creation of autonomous regions ........................................ 234 Section 16 1. General supervisory power of the President over autonomous regions .............................................. 234 Section 17 1. Residual powers vested in the National Government .... 235 Section 18 1. Enactment and ratification of an organic act for each autonomous region.......................................... 236 Section 19 1. Time frame for the passage of organic acts ....................... 236 Section 20 1. Legislative powers of autonomous regions ...................... 237 Section 21 1. Preservation of peace and order within the regions........................................................................ 238 ARTICLE XI — ACCOUNTABILITY OF PUBLIC OFFICERS Section 1 1. Public office, a public trust .................................................. 239 Section 2 1. Meaning of impeachment .................................................... 241 2. Officials removable/not removable by impeachment ................................................................... 241 3. Grounds for impeachment .................................................. 241 Section 3 1. Power to initiate and try impeachment cases vested in Congress .......................................................... 244

Section 4 1. Supervisory power of President over local

governments .................................................................... 227 2. Supervisory power with respect to component units ..... 228 Section 5 1. Taxing power of local governments constitutionally granted.............................................................................. 228 Section 6 1. Automatic release of share of national taxes..................... 229 Section 7 1. Share in proceeds of utilization and development of national wealth ........................................................... 229 Section 8 1. Term of office of elective local officials .............................. 230 Section 9 1. Sectoral representation in local legislative bodies ........... 230 Section 10 1. Conditions for creation, etc., of any local unit.................. 231 Section 11 1. Creation of special metropolitan political subdivisions ..................................................................... 232 Section 12 1. Component cities and highly urbanized cities ................. 232 Section 13 1. Grouping of local government units.................................. 233 Section 14 1. Regional development councils or other similar bodies................................................................................ 233




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