2024 Business and Accountancy Catalog


Foreign Aid and Remittances Learning Objectives 228 | Looking Back 229 | Introduction 229 | Foreign Aid 229 | Concepts of Foreign Aid 230 | Marshall Plan 231 | Peace and Security 231 | Public Health 232 | Remittances 232 | Inter- Governmental Nonprofit Organizations 233 | MSG RECVD 234 | Activity 234 | Remember 240 | Chapter Exercise 241 | Reflective Discussions 242 | References 243 National Economic Policy Learning Objectives 245 | Looking Back 246 | Introduction 246 | Basic Macroeconomic Concepts 246 | Taxation and Economics 248 | Environment and Economics 250 | Healthcare and Economics 251 | Education and Economics 254 | MSG RECVD 255 | Activity 256 | Remember 264 | Chapter Exercises 265 | Reflective Discussions 269 | References 270 Cooperatives Learning Objectives 272 | Looking Back 273 | Introduction 273 | Legal Framework 274 | Types of Cooperatives 276 | Economic Impact 276 | ASEAN Plan for Farmer Cooperatives Development 277 | Advantages and Disadvantages 277 | Cooperative Finance 278 | Annual Cycle of Financial Activities in a Cooperative 279 | MSG RECVD 281 | Activity 281 | Economics Case Study Report 286 / Remember 290 | Chapter Exercise 291 | Reflective Discussions 291 | References 294 Social Enterprise Development Learning Objectives 295 | Looking Back 296 | Introduction 296 | The Social Economy 297 | Example Initiatives 298 | Challenges 299 | Experiences in Social Enterprise Development 299 | MSG RECVD 301 | Activity 302, 307 | Remember 310 |


Labor Markets Learning Objectives 136 | Looking Back 137 | Introduction 137 | Demand for Labor 137 | Supply of Labor 139 | Demand and Supply of Labor 140 | Shifting of Demand and Supply 141 | Individual Earnings and Wages 142 | Minimum Wage 142 | International Immigration 144 | Labor Market Discrimination 144 | Human Development Index 145 | MSG RECVD 146 | Activity 147 | Remember 150 | Chapter Exercises 151 | Reflective Discussions 155 | References 156 Financial Systems Learning Objectives 157 | Looking Back 158 | Introduction 158 | Financial Institutions 159 | Financial Systems in Economic Development 161 | MSG RECVD 165 | Activity 166 | Remember 169 | Chapter Exercises 170 | Reflective Discussions 173 | References 174 Finance and Development Learning Objectives 176 | Looking Back 177 | Introduction 177 | Role of Finance 177 | Finance and Governance 179 | Microfinance 179 | Microcredit 180 | Microsavings 180 | Islamic Finance 181 | MSG RECVD 183 | Activity 183 | Remember 186 | Chapter Exercises 187 | Reflective Discussions 189 | References 190 Foreign Trade Learning Objectives 193 | Looking Back 194 | Introduction 194 | History of Foreign Trade 195 | Concepts of Foreign Trade 195 | Gains from Trade 196 | Risks of Foreign Trade 197 | Effects of Foreign Trade 198 | Trading in the ASEAN 199 | Asian Trading with the Philippines 200 | Philippines' Bilateral and Multilateral Trade Agreements in Asia 201 | MSG RECVD 202 | Activity 203 | Remember 206 | Chapter Exercises 207 | Reflective Discussions 209 | References 212 Foreign Direct Investments Learning Objectives 214 | Looking Back 215 | Introduction 215 | Foreign Direct Investment 215 | Forms and Types 216 | Advantages and Disadvantages 217 | Pragmatic Approach to FDI 217 | FDI in the Philippines 218 | ASEAN FDI 219 | MSG RECVD 221 | Activity 221 | Remember 224 | Chapter Exercise 225 | Reflective Discussions 226 | References 227








Chapter Exercise 311 | Reflective Discussions 312 | References 313


Peace Economics and Development Learning Objectives 315 | Looking Back 316 | Introduction 316 | Peace Economics 316 | Peace 317 | Peace Dividends 318 | Demographic Dividends 319 | Transnational Crime and Terrorism 320 | Social Development Goals of the United Nations 321 | History 321 | MSG RECVD 323 | Activity 324 | Remember 327 | Chapter Exercise 328 | Reflective Discussions 329 | References 331




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