2024 Business and Accountancy Catalog

11 . Printing of community tax certificates

and distribution of proceeds .......................................... 563 12. Philippine Identification System Act ................................. 564 I. TAX ORDINANCE 1. Definition of ordinance ......................................................... 566 2. Approval of ordinances......................................................... 567 3. Veto power of the local chief executive................................ 567 4. Review of component city and municipal ordinances or resolutions ............................................... 568 5. Review of barangay ordinances ........................................... 568 6. Tax ordinances and revenue measures ............................... 569 7. Power to levy other taxes, fees, or charges ......................... 571 J. COLLECTION OF TAXES 1. Tax period and manner of payment .................................... 571 2. Accrual of tax ........................................................................ 571 3. Time of payment................................................................... 571 4. Surcharges and penalties on unpaid taxes, fees, or charges ............................................................... 572 5. Interest on other unpaid revenues ...................................... 572



18. Tax per delivery truck or van of certain

manufacturers, producers, etc....................................... 546

xxvii 3. Claim for refund or tax credit.............................................. 582 4. Determining the appropriate remedy to pursue ................ 582 1. Application of provisions...................................................... 572 2. Local government’s lien ....................................................... 572 3. Civil remedies ....................................................................... 573 4. Distraint of personal property ............................................. 573 5. Levy on real property ........................................................... 575 6. Penalty for failure to issue and execute warrant ............... 576 7. Advertisement and sale ....................................................... 576 8. Redemption of property sold ................................................ 577 9. Final deed to purchaser ....................................................... 578 10. Purchase of property by the local government unit ........... 578 11. Resale of real estate taken for taxes, fees, or charges........ 579 12. Collection of delinquent taxes, etc. or other revenues through judicial action ................................... 579 13. Personal property exempt from distraint or levy ............... 579 L. TAXPAYER’S REMEDIES 1. Periods of assessment and collection................................... 580 2. Protest of assessment........................................................... 581


1. Scope of power ...................................................................... 546 2. Tax on business .................................................................... 546 3. Payment of business taxes................................................... 551 4. Fees and charges on business and occupation.................... 551 5. Fees for sealing and licensing of weights and measures ................................................................. 551 6. Fishery rentals, fees, and charges....................................... 552 7. Situs of the tax ..................................................................... 553 E. TAXING AND OTHER REVENUE-RAISING POWERS OF CITIES 1. Scope of power ...................................................................... 555 F. TAXING AND OTHER REVENUE-RAISING POWERS OF BARANGAYS 1. Scope of power ...................................................................... 555


M. REAL PROPERTY TAXES 1. Introduction

1. Fees and charges specifically authorized

to be imposed .................................................................. 556 2. License fee and tax distinguished ....................................... 557 3. Kinds of municipal licenses ................................................. 558

1. Historical background .......................................................... 583 2. Nature of property taxes ...................................................... 584 3. Purpose of property tax........................................................ 584 4. Fundamental principles governing appraisal and assessment of real property ................................... 585 5. Definition of terms................................................................ 585 6. Steps in assessment of real property................................... 587 2. Appraisal and Assessment of Real Property 1. Appraisal of real property.................................................... 587 2. Declaration of real property by the owner or administrator ............................................................. 589 3. Effects of the declaration ..................................................... 589 4. Real property acquired or improved.................................... 590 5. Declaration of real property by the assessor ...................... 590 6. Listing of real property in the assessment rolls ................. 590 7. Proof of exemption of real property from taxation ............. 591 8. Real property identification system .................................... 591 9. Notification of transfer of real property ownership............ 592 10. Duty of Registrar of Deeds to appraise assessor of real property listed in registry .................................. 592 11. Duty of official issuing building permit or certificate of registration........................................... 592 12. Duty of geodetic engineers to furnish copy of plans to assessor ........................................................ 593 13. Schedule of fair market values ............................................ 593 14. Classes of real property for assessment purposes .............. 594 15. Special classes of real property............................................ 594 16. Actual use of real property as basis for assessment........... 594 17. Assessment levels................................................................. 595 18. Computation of the tax ........................................................ 597 19. General revision of assessments and property classification ............................................ 598 20. Valuation of real property.................................................... 598 21. Date of effectivity of assessment or reassessment ............. 598 22. Assessment of property subject to back taxes..................... 599 23. Notification of new or revised assessment .......................... 599


xxvi and distribution of proceeds .......................................... 563 12. Philippine Identification System Act ................................. 564 I. TAX ORDINANCE 1. Definition of ordinance ......................................................... 566 2. Approval of ordinances......................................................... 567 3. Veto power of the local chief executive................................ 567 4. Review of component city and municipal ordinances or resolutions ............................................... 568 5. Review of barangay ordinances ........................................... 568 6. Tax ordinances and revenue measures ............................... 569 7. Power to levy other taxes, fees, or charges ......................... 571 1. Nature of community tax .................................................... 559 2. Individuals liable to community tax ................................... 560 3. Juridical persons liable to community tax.......................... 560 4. Exemptions ........................................................................... 561 5. Place and time of payment................................................... 561 6. Community tax certificate ................................................... 562 7. When presentation of CTC required ................................... 562 8 Exhibition of the certificate ................................................. 562 9. Weight of the certificate as evidence of identity ................. 563 10. Printing of community tax certificates and distribution of proceeds ................................................ 563 11 . Printing of community tax certificates J. COLLECTION OF TAXES 1. Tax period and manner of payment .................................... 571 2. Accrual of tax ........................................................................ 571 3. Time of payment................................................................... 571 4. Surcharges and penalties on unpaid taxes, fees, or charges ............................................................... 572 5. Interest on other unpaid revenues ...................................... 572




1. Application of provisions...................................................... 572 2. Local government’s lien ....................................................... 572 3. Civil remedies ....................................................................... 573 4. Distraint of personal property ............................................. 573 5. Levy on real property ........................................................... 575

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