Toras Picho Kriah Catalog

בעזרת השם

Kriah A pathway for every student!

קריאה Kriah - A Critical Foundation Did you know that?

- Kriah is an important foundation of a person’s entire life? It is the key to being able to daven. It is the key to being able to learn Torah . It is the key to being able to find satisfaction and feeling a close connec - tion to Torah and yiras shamayim , which are results of being able to learn well. - Poor Kriah skills can hinder a child throughout his entire lifetime? - As early as preschool, important Kriah foundations are already being placed? - I n every classroom there are several stu - dents who are behind in their Kriah skills and struggling to keep up? - B’siyatta dishmaya , there is a proven ap- proach that addresses every student and enables all children to master Kriah ! This is where Toras Picho comes into the picture!

ק Yes! Help is here! Toras Picho was founded with the goal of providing Kriah teachers and Kriah tutors with a systematic teaching approach that will enable all children to master and love Kriah .

את דברי תורתך בפינו והערב נא

students learn a nekudah . Then, students learn to read that nekudah with one letter. Then, they read that nekudah with many different letters. The child’s grasp of Kriah is built layer by layer, and every level is the foundation for the next level. One Rung at a Time The same way learning is based on building one solid layer of understanding upon the other one, helping a child learn is done in a similar fashion. At first, the Rebbe/ Morah provides guidance and assistance level by level, until it is evident that the children can read the pages on their own. Then the Rebbe/ Morah allows the children to advance to the next levels. (This is similar to teaching a child how to walk. At first the parent will hold both hands of the child, then only one, etc.)

includes, visually, auditorily, and behavior prepaerations in addition to chazoros that creates fluency of previous skills which are required to master the newly learned skills. By doing that Rebbeim and Moros ensure greater changes for more children to grasp the kriah skill when teaching happens. Courses The Toras Picho Courses program offers three separate courses for classroom teachers, private tutors and/or teacher’s coaches. Courses are available separately for men and women. Additionally, Toras Picho offers a selection of Kriah books, as well as products and materials that complete any Kriah teacher’s briefcase of tricks and training. Thus enabling the teacher to do his shlichus bishleimus , carry out his valuable task of teaching yiddish neshamos Kriah with completion! Get an Idea! Scan the following pages to get an overview of our courses, books and materials.

Toras Picho provides a thorough Kriah curriculum made easy with yearly, weekly and daily objectives and clear instructions. This program offers practice textbooks and workbooks which include sheets that are based on the Toras Picho approach. Additionally, Toras Picho provides training to guide and support the teachers and tutors on how to correctly use the Toras Picho approach. Climbing the Ladder! Toras Picho teaches children to read one skill at a time. The Toras Picho approach is suited for the minds of young children so that at any given point they are not faced with the unnecessary challenge of graduating from an easy level to a hard level, but they are steadily going from an easy level to an easy level. This strategy ensures that the child always finds learning easy and never loses his love for reading. Example of measured levels: First,

Preparing the Grounds

One of the important elements of the Toras Picho approach is to provide the children with the necessary preparation for each level of kriah, prior to teaching that level. This

R’ Dovid Yosef Unger K riah A pproach F ounder and H ead I nstructor

R’ Aron Lampin O rganization F ounder and D irector

R’ Lampin began his successful Kriah career in 2008 as a private tutor for children who needed extra help with Kriah . He used R’ Unger’s Kriah approach and was amazed to see astounding results. Eventually, he was chosen to be the menahel of the elementary division in a chinuch institution in Monsey where he began to see the tremendous need for a clear and systemized approach to learning Kriah . He felt that a Kriah system needed to be created; one that would be easy to adapt, easy to use and applicable to all chinuch institutions. Additionally, the system would make it easier for talmidim and talmidos to successfully master Kriah and it would ensure that no child falls out of the system. With this goal in mind, R’ Lampin worked on streamlining the Kriah process. He began to present these Kriah courses to many mosdos haTorah . From this small start and built on the philosophy of R’ Dovid Unger shlit”a, a national success was built, The Machon Toras Picho !

In 1995, R’ Unger learned with a group of boys who were struggling with learning. After a while he noticed that most of them only had difficulty when it came to reading, and this is what blocked them from learning. As a result, he began to research ways how to help these boys who had not mastered Kriah when they were young and consequently were so discouraged now, after failing so many times in their past. R’ Unger embarked on his mission. He visited many classrooms and observed many expert Kriah teachers. His goal? How you teach a child to read! From each classroom or teacher he learned different techniques, methods and strategies. R’ Ungar invested his entire focus, energy and effort to pinpoint the answer to his question, “What made the successful Kriah teachers succeed”. He gleaned much valuable information and little by little he began to construct a clear plan that approached teaching Kriah in a systematic and fail- proof manner. This is the edifice that he built: Toras Picho Kriah Approach !

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Antwerp 3

Golders Green 1

London 17

Canvey Island 1

Manchester 5

Gateshead 1

Monticello 2

Montreal 7

Kiamesha Lake 1

New Square 2 Monsey 34

Flatbush 3 Far Rockaway 1 Crown Heights 1

Detroit, MI 1

Borough Park 32 Williamsburg 10

Long Island 2

Lakewood 9 Staten Island 1 Linden 1

Los Angeles, CA 1

Union City 1

Chicago, IL 1

Panama City, Panama 1

1 אופקים 4 אלעד 4 אשדוד 16 בית שמש 4 ביתר 26 בני ברק 1 ברכפלד 1 גבעת זאב 1 דימונה

Baltimore, MD 2

1 טלז סטון 9 ירושלים

2 כרמיאל 1 מודיעין 5 מודיעין עילית 1 מעלות 1 נוף הגליל 1 נתיבות

3 נתניה 2 עמנואל

4 קרית גת 1 קרית ספר

1 ערד 2 צפת

4 חיפה 1 חצור 1 טבריה

1 רחובות 1 רכסים

1 קרית אתא 2 קרית מלאכי

Melbourne 2

וויען ׀ בעלזא ׀ ראחמאסטריווקא ׀ פאפא ׀ סקווירא ׀ קראסנא ׀ באיאן ׀ צאנז ׀ צאנז קלויזענבורג ׀ אלכסנדר ׀ גור ׀ מאשאלו ׀ סקאליא ׀ לעלוב ׀ ׀ סלונים ׀ סערט וויזניץ ׀ 45 נייטרא ׀ צאנז זוועהיל ׀ קרלין סטולין ׀ ווארקא ׀ וויזניץ ׀ מונקאטש ׀ באבוב ׀ ליובאביטש ׀ בעלזא מחנווקא ׀ באבוב דזיקוב ׀ נדבורנה ׀ ברסלב ׀ דושינסקיא ׀ דאראג ׀ סדיגורא ׀ שומרי אמונים ׀ ערלוי ׀ ביאלא ׀ מאקווא ׀ קרעטשניף ׀ כלל חסידי ׀ ווייצנער ׀ ליטאי

What the mechanchim are saying:

This course was very well organized. R’ Ungar proved to be a person of amazing knowledge and experience. It is fascinating to see how he divided all the parts and levels of Kriah with such logic and clarity and I’m sure that all course participants now have the necessary tools to help their students succeed. The part I benefited most from was about properly preparing the brain of a child to be ready to learn Kriah and to succeed in it. R.H. – private tutor

This course taught me - not only how to learn Kriah with children, but also how to build up and expand the brains of children so that they should have the tools they need to succeed in Kriah. H.K.

I gained a deep understanding of how to find and fix the root of a problem. I understand now that it is not enough to work on fixing the mistakes of the student, but a must to find the cause. T. S. private tutor

The Toras Picho Course gives educators the tools they need to teach all types of students. It offers insights, tactics, instructions and strategies on how to succeed with children of all levels and capabilities, from the weakest to the strongest. Also, the exact schedule and timing of each lesson takes a lot of guesswork away from the teachers and provides clear deadlines and goalsetting. C. Kraus , Baltimore

Available COURSES And Coaching

» Kriah Course for Teachers

» Kriah Course for Private Tutors

» Kriah Course for

Teacher’s Coaches

» Kriah Course for

Teacher’s Coaches

» אהבתי תורתיך אהבתי תורת Chumash Course

Kriah Course for Teachers/ Moros/ Rebbeim

Course 1

This course is intended for teachers who teach children to read in a classroom setting. The curriculum is divided over four years: Kindergarten, Pre-1-a, First Grade, Second Grade

Participants will get practical guidance on these topics: · What is needed to successfully lay the groundwork for the student to be able to tackle letters, nekudos , syllables, words, fluency, etc. · How to successfully prepare the child so that he is ready to tackle letters, nekudos , syllables, words, fluency, etc. · How a child grasps information · How the brain processes information · How to make sure that the student remembers what he learned · How to divide the lessons and the reviews over the teaching year · How to test the children and to evaluate whether they are keeping up or not

For more information about this course please feel free to call 845-444-5611 or email

Kriah Course for Tutors

Course 2

This course is intended for experienced or inexperienced tutors who work privately to teach struggling Kriah students. Participants will get practical guidance on these topics:

Participants will get practical guidance on these topics: · Become aware of various reading challenges and possible students’ struggles and their causes · Become familiar with different reading levels and the importance of each level · Understand the importance of proper preparations that must be made before each level so that the student will be successful · Understand why one level is harder than a different one in each of the categories: אותיות , syllables, words, paragraphs, etc. · Understand what are the necessary components of success with אותיות , syllables, words, paragraphs and fluency, etc. · Understand the role that visual perception and phonemic awareness have in the reading process and how to work with children in these specific areas · Understand the levels of how a child learns and the role of the teacher and students in each level · Understand the correct approach to teaching reading and how to build it up in a child.

For more information about this course please feel free to call 845-444-5611 or email

Kriah Course for Coaches

Course 3

Participants will get practical guidance on these topics: • The division and order of the Toras Picho lessons • The importance of each level and chapter • The established timeframes for each lesson • The possible challenges that Kriah students might bump into • The hardships that Kriah educators might face • The goal of building students’ skills, one level at a time • The coach’s relationship with the teacher and head staff • The coach’s job, how to do understand it and do it in the best possible manner For more information about this course please feel free to call 845-444-5611 or email This course is intended for Teacher Coaches. It provides an overview and gives direction to those who assist teachers who use the Toras Picho approach.

Toras Picho Direct Support Professionals

Additional Program Features

For students to succeed with Kriah it is important to have a clear plan along with constant support, guidance, ideas and supervision. This involves many different components; therefore, it is not possible that this support is demanded of the principal who is burdened with all the general responsibilities that come up when running a cheder or school. Additionally, since Kriah mastery is a three-to-four year process, the smooth transition and logical continuity of one year to the next is of utmost importance. Therefore, when a Toras Picho Direct Support Professional accompanies each student throughout the learning process, and determines the level 1 Toras Picho will assign your chinuch institution a Direct Support Professional who will be responsible for the success of the system and serve as a support for the Kriah teachers.

and goals for each class, the potential for successful Kriah mastery by all students is multiplied. When teachers have a Toras Picho Direct Support Professional who gives constant guidance and help with problem solving at their side, their chances of reaching and teaching each and every student is greater. Without sufficient support, keeping to the plan perfectly is hard. Often, when problems arise it’s already when the problems are quite big. However, with proper guidance one can spot problems at their outset and along with the TPDSP the problem can be addressed and corrected immediately.

A Toras Picho Direct Support Professional’s Services:

· Review. The TPDSP will clarify the goals and review the curriculum and lesson plans with the educators, making sure the educator clearly understands his or her direction. The TPDSP will also spend time with the teacher discussing when the class will learn what and how it will be taught. · Model. The TPDSP will provide a model lesson for the teacher. The TPDSP will teach the students a lesson while the educator observes him or her. This will help the teacher understand how to apply the Toras Picho approach in a live classroom setting. · Observation - the TPSDP will observe how the teacher teaches a lesson to the class and he will provide feedback, encouragement and direction. · Progress - the TPSDP will provide constant review sessions that will be dedicated to reviewing the progress and future direction of each student.

Two Support Options

2 Toras Picho will train an employee of your chinuch institution who will then serve as the Direct Support Professional in your institution.

For more information about the Toras Picho Support Services please feel free to call 845-444-5611 or email

אהבתי תורתך Chumash Course

New course for Rebbeim

The אהבתי תורתך Chumash Course opened up a new world of teaching to dozens of rebbeim thus bringing new meaning to their Avodas Hakodesh.

In this course you will get a clear and concise overview on teaching Pesukim of chumash in a manner that will captivate your students. A shift in your mindset will result in a transformation in your students’ geshmak in learning. In addition, your students will master the proper method of learning a passuk, comprehend the words and truly acquire the פסוקי התורה . Ask those who experienced it. The results are astounding.

For more information about this course please feel free to call 845-444-5611 or email

BOOKS Materials and Products

» Student textbooks

» Kriah workbooks

» Writing and Practice Workbooks

» אהבתי תורתיך Chumash

» Cards, materials and

supplies for Kriah teachers

Ages 3-5

Toras Picho | Level 1

Goal Teaching אותיות and נקודות A book that is perfectly planned and logically clear! It teaches children to recognize an אות in any form or placement. For example: At first children learn to recognize each אות individually, then they recognize the אות even if it is bigger or smaller, mixed between other אותיות , or with נקודות , or even together with other אותיות or נקודות . These practices give children the familiarity, comfort and knowledge of each of the אותיות and therefore they do not confuse one letter with the other or make any mistakes.

Chapters and Lessons:

• Learning an אות , the אות of the week, a review of all previously learned אותיות , in the proper אותיות order and then randomized • Memorization and repetitions of all the אותיות in a manner that keeps the children interested, involved and excited • Learning a נקודה , reviewing the נקודה on its own, identifying the נקודה when it is with אותיות , first in its proper order and then randomized, identifying the נקודה in short words that have only this נקודה .

Use: Kindergarten and Pre1-A

For more information about this book/product please feel free to call 845-444-5611 or email

Ages 4-6

Toras Picho | Level 2

Goal Teaching אותיות and נקודות A book that is built on the feedback of students who struggled with reading challenges. The book features a logical progression of lessons, so that the students learn easier words first and then harder words, shorter words first and then longer words, and so on. Additionally, lots of white space is left between the words and lines of words so that students can easily focus on the text.

Chapters and Lessons: • Short reviews of אותיות - in their proper order and also randomized • Reviews on the נקודות , also along with אותיות , in their proper order and also randomized • Open syllables ( אות\נקודה ) and open syllable word, and also words with a few נקודות , divided in levels • Closed syllables ( אות \ נקודה \ אות ) and נח שוא (a silent shiva) • נע שוא (A shiva that is said, in the beginning or middle of the word) • הקריאה כללי Kriah rules. (ex: כללי , גנובה פתח שוא , etc.) • Reinforcement reviews on כללים , אותיות , and complicated words • Reading familiar phrases and words

Use: Pre 1-A and First Grade

For more information about this book/product please feel free to call 845-444-5611 or email

Ages 5-7

Toras Picho | Level 3

Goal Making it Second Nature . This book offers many different forms of reviews of the rules that students learned the previous year so reading becomes a pleasant, easy experience!

Units and parts: • נקודות Review • כללים שוא Review • Considering each part of the word- A Review! • כללים קמץ Review • אותיות Review • Fluency and Vocabulary • אותיות רש"י , letters, words and sentences

Use: Second Grade

For more information about this book/product please feel free to call 845-444-5611 or email

Ages 8+

Toras Picho | Level 4

Objective Empower students to read even the most complex words with fluency and accuracy . Level four is the last in the Toras Picho series, linking together all foundations and rules in Kriah. This volume provides students with all necessary tools to become independent readers. Students will learn to read complete paragraphs fluently including words with complex kriah rules, ultimately, reading seamlessly without putting too much focus on the kriah punctuation. Training provided via a tutorial which explains how to maximize the benefits of this book.

Goals of this Level: • Focus on every element of the word • Recognize less commonly used rules • Read words with different structural types • Pay careful consideration to nekudos in words of the same שורש (similar letters) • Focus on every detail of the word while reading Use: Grade 3+

For more information about this book/product please feel free to call 845-444-5611 or email

Ages 5-6

Tehillim for Beginners

The goal of this booklet is to teach students to read text, phrases and paragraphs. For example, a chapter of תהלים is a combination of many פסוקים , and each פסוק is a combination of many words, and many כללים קריאה ! Additionally, it prepares children for future lessons. It introduces ideas such as a פרק and פסוק . It encourages practices on reading correctly, fluently and keeping to the Kriah rules even when reading entire פרקים at a time. It also familiarizes students with common phrases and words. Altogether, this is an important part in preparing students for future learning.

Use: End of First Grade

For more information about this book/product please feel free to call 845-444-5611 or email

Teacher’s Guide

The Teacher’s Guide provides an exact daily, weekly and monthly schedule. Clear instructions are noted, as well as whether the students should be reviewing old

material or learning new material on any given day. Additionally, directives for whiteboard or workbook use are specified in the Teacher Guide. Following the Teacher’s Guide also ensures that the teacher doesn’t skip over any details, that the teacher covers all the material and that the students don’t lack any levels, rules or Kriah skills. Teachers can relax knowing that they will get to every skill as per the plan and constantly be focus on what is being taught at that time keeping up with the expectations. Following the Teacher’s Guide is easy… and easily ensures success!

For more information about this book/product please feel free to call 845-444-5611 or email

Ages 6-7

חומש אהבתי תורתך

Finally, teaching pesukim of chumash the proper way–in a comprehensible manner, thus bringing geshmak into the learning for rebbe and students

A chumash that has transformed the lives of many rebbeim and students. This masterful creation guides rebbeim to give over the pesukim in a way that the students will comprehend the הבנה of the pesukim, contrary to memorizing the טייטש of the words. Students will truly acquire what they learn, remembering it for the rest of their lifetime. The chumash is beautifully organized and divided with utmost clarity–ready for the rebbe to use. Included in this book are multi-level ques- tions, and many brain activities to fur- ther instill the הבנה of the pesukim.

Recommended for rebbeim of grades 2 and 3

For more information about this book/product please feel free to call 845-444-5611 or email

Ages 4-5

Summer Program Workbooks

Upon finishing a satisfying year of studying Kriah, Kriah teachers wanted their students to retain the information and geshmak of what they learned. Based on requests such as these, we put together the Summer Program Workbooks. Teachers want their students to continue working on their Kriah skills throughout the summer vacation months, even though they are not in the school system and cannot be done in the same manner and interaction as it was done during the school year. Therefore, the Summer Program Workbook is designed with creativity and with the child in mind. This book features activity pages that are educational, yet entertaining and interesting at the same time. The pages help review and solidify the Kriah skills. The Summer Program Workbook offers activity pages with tasks such as writing, coloring and pasting. It also comes with sticker pages. The Summer Program Workbook works with an exact daily and weekly planner. This keeps the children busy and helps them make it a consistent part of their schedule over the summer weeks.

For Day Camps and Summer Cheder

Children love it! They can’t get enough!

Book 2

Book 1

Book 3

This book focuses on reviewing words and syllables. Additionally, it teaches students to identify אותיות that are found within words and to identify syllables that are part of words. Lastly, it accustoms students to begin identifying which syllables are part of his language or are part of commonly used words.

The students learned many new נקודות and אותיות throughout the year, but has it really become part of them? This book focuses on solidifying the knowledge acquired throughout the year.

This book focuses on reviewing rules regarding נקודות , שואים , קמץ etc. It includes many exciting, activity pages that students will find interesting.

For more information about this book/product please feel free to call 845-444-5611 or email

Ages 4-5

From Scribble to Script

Writing is an important skill. However, developing this skill is not easy. The younger a child is when he begins to start writing, the better chances of success there are.

Level One For Kindergarten

Level Two Pre 1-A Level Two continues

Children may lack the skills needed for penmanship. Level One develops preparatory skills that will be necessary once the child will start writing. In this book, children learn how to hold a pencil, move a pencil, turn the pencil, use the hands and fingers in this art and also to keep track of what is happening at the edge of the pencil while they are using it. It also helps children learn how to make sure the result is like they planned it. Additionally, this book contains activity pages that include cutting and using scissors. This skill helps children learn to use their hands and improves fine motor skills. Children begin the workbook unable to draw a satisfactory circle, however by the time they are at the end of the book they are drawing perfect circles. The same goes for other shapes and variations in sizes. Children who complete this book understand what it takes to make basic shapes neatly and draw them a bit larger or smaller as per instructions. This is the first and most important building block of satisfactory penmanship.

to focus on developing preparatory penmanship skills. At first, students practice drawing boxes, then they learn to connect boxes and eventually they learn to write some letters, מרובעות אותיות (not script). The gradual advancement of one step to the next makes it simple and doable for any child. Completing this book ensures that students will successfully master penmanship.

For more information about this book/product please feel free to call 845-444-5611 or email

3D אותיות

When learning new Kriah skills will be expected of them in futures classes, students will always remember these fundamental activities that helped etch the letter forms into their memories!

Bring happiness and excitement into your classroom. When these guests are introduced, children liven up and connect to them immediately. The אותיות become real and tangible; now they are something children can actually hold and touch. They can carry them anywhere and bring them back! Watch your students light up as their learning becomes more live and less abstract than before!

Available sizes: 8" 12" 18"

For more information about this book/product please feel free to call 845-444-5611 or email

Ages 3-6

א' ב' Reward Cards

Discover the endless possibilities that these ' ב ' א cards offer! This set of 1,650 ' ב ' א cards (50 cards per letter) brings fun and happiness into the classroom. Teachers use this set of cards in multiple ways. Teachers may choose to hand out these cards as items of rewards, chances to play games, or means of review. Additionally, children can exchange cards between each other and try to collect all of them (“I’m giving you a ' ש …You give me an ' א ), or try to form words with the cards in their possession. Make the ' ב ' א come more alive and leave an indelible stamp in your students’ brains. Use these cards! These cards are printed on hard paper (Similar to business cards.)

א' ב' Cards

This set of letters is made for teachers who want to involve their students using different games and activities. Some suggestions include spreading out the letters and asking a students, “Can you find the ' ג for me?” etc. Other ideas involve using cards to form words or phrases, and etc. Combine these cards with your creativity to get your class top Kriah scores! These cards are printed on thick durable plastic. (Similar to credit cards.)

For more information about this book/product please feel free to call 845-444-5611 or email

Ages 5-8

Syllable Cards

This set of 246 cards offers endless possibilites for the teacher and students. The set contains each letter combination with each nekuda. All possible combinations are in this cardset. Teachers improve their students’ reading skills by using these cards in an interactive manner with their students to form new words and review old ones.

These cards are printed on thick durable plastic. (Similar to credit cards.)

For more information about this book/product please feel free to call 845-444-5611 or email

Alpha Build™ is an ingenious innovation in the world of building toys. While children will be having fun creating Alef Bais with this new product, they will gain an intrinsic understanding of the letter shapes by feel- ing, rotating, and connecting the pieces. What makes Alpha Build™ a novelty is that it can be enjoyed by every child in any setting. In classrooms, therapy sessions or at home as a fun and educational toy. These building blocks are fun and engaging and carry the child from reality to a world of Alef Bais and words, all the while playing and having a great time. 3D building blocks for mastering Alef Bais & Kriah

Slide. Shape. Learn!

● Multidimensional learning approach ● Recommended for classroom use ● Each set is enough for 8 children ● 3 levels of play

For further information about any of our products, books, supplies or courses please contact us.

Call: 845-444-3611 Email: Visit us online at:

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