Toras Picho Kriah Catalog

R’ Dovid Yosef Unger K riah A pproach F ounder and H ead I nstructor

R’ Aron Lampin O rganization F ounder and D irector

R’ Lampin began his successful Kriah career in 2008 as a private tutor for children who needed extra help with Kriah . He used R’ Unger’s Kriah approach and was amazed to see astounding results. Eventually, he was chosen to be the menahel of the elementary division in a chinuch institution in Monsey where he began to see the tremendous need for a clear and systemized approach to learning Kriah . He felt that a Kriah system needed to be created; one that would be easy to adapt, easy to use and applicable to all chinuch institutions. Additionally, the system would make it easier for talmidim and talmidos to successfully master Kriah and it would ensure that no child falls out of the system. With this goal in mind, R’ Lampin worked on streamlining the Kriah process. He began to present these Kriah courses to many mosdos haTorah . From this small start and built on the philosophy of R’ Dovid Unger shlit”a, a national success was built, The Machon Toras Picho !

In 1995, R’ Unger learned with a group of boys who were struggling with learning. After a while he noticed that most of them only had difficulty when it came to reading, and this is what blocked them from learning. As a result, he began to research ways how to help these boys who had not mastered Kriah when they were young and consequently were so discouraged now, after failing so many times in their past. R’ Unger embarked on his mission. He visited many classrooms and observed many expert Kriah teachers. His goal? How you teach a child to read! From each classroom or teacher he learned different techniques, methods and strategies. R’ Ungar invested his entire focus, energy and effort to pinpoint the answer to his question, “What made the successful Kriah teachers succeed”. He gleaned much valuable information and little by little he began to construct a clear plan that approached teaching Kriah in a systematic and fail- proof manner. This is the edifice that he built: Toras Picho Kriah Approach !

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