Toras Picho Kriah Catalog

What the mechanchim are saying:

This course was very well organized. R’ Ungar proved to be a person of amazing knowledge and experience. It is fascinating to see how he divided all the parts and levels of Kriah with such logic and clarity and I’m sure that all course participants now have the necessary tools to help their students succeed. The part I benefited most from was about properly preparing the brain of a child to be ready to learn Kriah and to succeed in it. R.H. – private tutor

This course taught me - not only how to learn Kriah with children, but also how to build up and expand the brains of children so that they should have the tools they need to succeed in Kriah. H.K.

I gained a deep understanding of how to find and fix the root of a problem. I understand now that it is not enough to work on fixing the mistakes of the student, but a must to find the cause. T. S. private tutor

The Toras Picho Course gives educators the tools they need to teach all types of students. It offers insights, tactics, instructions and strategies on how to succeed with children of all levels and capabilities, from the weakest to the strongest. Also, the exact schedule and timing of each lesson takes a lot of guesswork away from the teachers and provides clear deadlines and goalsetting. C. Kraus , Baltimore

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