Using Digital Dashboards to Implement and Evaluate Programs

This great feature creates a simple linkage between dashboards that allows the Principal Investigator and

the External Evaluators to navigate to other internal facing program dashboards. Using DotDigital, the team

is able to efficiently manage four additional grants and a resource page for a specific Extension Department.

The resource page is an example of an external use of a dashboard that is used to connect external

stakeholders to workforce data tools, reports, webpages, social media, and archived newsletters. The next

key element in the “Favorites Dashboard” section includes key planning documents, such as registration and

fiscal codes, registration instructions, and the key program deliverables.

Figure 8. Favorites Dashboard

Programming Links

This sect ion includes the “Programming Links” which allow the team to directly access the “Master

Schedule ,” an Excel tracking document that simultaneously tracks the planning and progress of five separate

mental health programs, as well as the remaining participant training scholarships that are available for each


As seen in Figure 9, a scholarship tracker - created within an Excel spreadsheet - was essential to improve

the tracking of program deliverables and managing the scholarships allocated in the budget. As seen below,

this tracker tracks the expected scholarships that have been allocated for that program, as well as the actual

number of “seats” that have been purchased by the two relevant projects. These numbers are automatically


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