Using Digital Dashboards to Implement and Evaluate Programs

Part Two – Evaluating the Effectiveness of Mental Health Programs in Missouri

This section provides information about NCFRSACi and its audiences, a brief NexGen program analysis, and why mental health programs are critically needed in rural Missouri.


The Farm and Ranch Stress Assistance Network

Key target audiences for this project are: - producers (operators and farmworkers) - farm youth and families - allies of agricultural producers (agribusiness

(FRSAN) Program is an established network that

connects individuals who are engaged in farming,

ranching, and other agriculture-related occupations to

stress assistance programs. FRSAN expands stress

management and mental health resources and

services to agricultural producers, advocates, and

professionals and healthcare providers)

stakeholders who support agricultural producers. The

key target audiences for this project include

individuals engaged in production agriculture with

specific emphasis on:

 Producers (male and female operators, farmworkers);

Farm youth and farm families; and

 Allies of agricultural producers (specifically agribusiness professionals and healthcare providers).

NC-FRSAN provides professional agricultural behavioral health intervention, supports training programs,

telephone helplines, resource hub, clearinghouse website, webinars, support groups, and professional

behavioral health services for producers, agriculture-related occupations, and individuals who support

producers (Figure 1).


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