September OnSite 2024


Years in this business: 20 How did you get into this business? I originally went to school for illustration. In our foundation year we had to take a whole range of subjects including painting, sculpture, photography, filmmaking, etc. I fell in

variations. This is why I work with clients to figure out a concise shot list of the best aspects of the project we want to capture. Then I scout the project remotely or in person to figure the best times of day for particular angles. Working with an assistant, we then compose and light interiors as well as some exteriors to highlight their best qualities. There is also some post production work done to bring the images to a higher standard. My primary directive is to accomplish the best work possible that puts the client in a position of elevating their marketing, portfolio, and publishing materials. This is done in collaboration with the client to their level of comfort. Some clients like to be very involved and some like a more hands off approach. I’m comfortable with either as long as there is clear communication and coordination. This relates to “comfort” for me. We all have enough stress in our lives and none of us need any more. Successful client relationships need to have a certain comfort level and I like to keep that level as high as possible for us both, by being very approachable and flexible where possible. Over the years I’ve found the best results are achieved when all three of these – quality, collaboration and comfort – are present. The best advice I ever got was from my dad, Thomas A. Psolka, who was a jazz guitarist. He always told me “there’s no last lesson.” I’ve found this to be true in most all aspects of life and it inspires me to keep learning and honing my craft as well as learning on a broader level. Worst advice you were given? Did you realize immediately or did you follow it and then find out? Best/Favorite Mentor? I’ve had several mentors in my career starting with my high school art teacher Mr.

love with photography, however, I never thought I’d end up photographing buildings until at one point someone asked me to. That’s when I realized how challenging and creative it could be. What products and services does your company provide? I provide beautiful photography of clients’ projects for their marketing, portfolio, websites and publication. What differentiates you from others in your industry? My philosophy is based on quality, collaboration and comfort. Firstly, I believe in quality over quantity. I studied photography at The Cooper Union and was pushed to achieve creative excellence, which has been my guiding principle. There are many photographers taking a “shotgun” approach, taking as many images as possible as they walk through a property. I don’t believe this is the best way to capture the character of a project. In fact, I’ve had clients hire me to re-shoot projects they had photographed this way. To me it seems that if you’re creating photographs that are going to be part of your marketing and portfolio for a while, you want to get the best quality images and not 100 mediocre


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