September OnSite 2024

Michnowicz who encouraged me to apply to The Cooper Union where I was accepted. Norman McGrath, whose definitive book on the subject I cherished and whose workshop I amended. And the many great photographers associated with the ASMP (American Society of Media Photographers), including my good friend and fellow photographer Mark Lamkin. Why did you join Metro? I’ve thought about joining for a couple years, and finally decided to take the plunge. What are you looking forward to at the 2025 AOEs? I’m looking most forward to continuing to meet and nurture relationships with other members. What are you listening to? I’m currently listening to Sierra Ferrell. I just discovered her and have her on autoplay. I also recently discovered Colter Wall. Next month it may be Frank Sinatra and Stevie Wonder…? What are you reading? The War of Art by Steven Pressfield How do you relax and disconnect? My two favorite ways of relaxing are movies and playing guitar. I am a bit of a movie buff and love the classic movies and photography of the golden Age of Hollywood. Movies are always a good way to disconnect for me, whether classic or modern. Music is also a big part of my life. In fact it was difficult to choose between the visual arts and music. I got my love

of music from my dad and I actually thought about going to music school early on. I’ve been playing in bands since high school and still play in a gospel band at my church. It supplies an endless well of challenge and creativity. Favorite Color? My two favorite colors are blue and orange, which is interesting since they are complimentary on the color wheel. My wife, who’s a graphic designer, tells me that blue connotes stability and orange enthusiasm, so I’ll go with that. Favorite Food? It’s definitely changed over the years, and I’m not a very adventurous eater, but right now I’d have to say Tacos. Favorite Band? Needtobreathe has been my favorite band for a while now. I find the positivity of their music along with some southern influence and great writing to be very inspirational. Favorite Trip/Vacation: My wife and I took a trip a number of years ago to Oregon. Just three weeks driving around the state of Oregon. That still lives in my mind as the best vacation we ever had. Another favorite is the classic, Niagara Falls. Everyone should go there at least once. Any Favorite Project you have worked on: One of my favorite projects was photographing interiors at the NYC Federal Reserve. Wish I could say more, but it’s the Federal Reserve.


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