DACA Interactive Brochure

Why Do Undocumented Students Need Support?

Undocumented students are an important part of our nation’s future and represent values that the United States embraced at inception and for most of its history. Federal law dictates that all students be entitled to K-12 education—regardless of residency or citizenship status. Undocumented students face concerns surrounding secrecy, distrust, anxiety and fear, inhibiting their educational experiences. Many students do not know that they are undocumented until they begin the college application process. Undocumented students are not eligible for federal financial aid. Their eligibility for state and institutional aid varies. Family situations and challenges often prevent these students from persisting in school because for many, working and contributing to the home are seen as more valuable. Discrimination and prejudice are due to ignorance and/or bias. Educational settings should provide understanding and acceptance. Undocumented students face identity issues and often reflect on questions such as: “Where do I belong? Am I from here or there? Will I ever be accepted?” The success of undocumented students in higher education is often credited to college allies who support, encourage and guide students through completion.


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