
are only buying in major markets leaving secondary markets wide open to smaller investors. There are still some great deals to be found in secondary and tertiary markets. Inventory is low across the board and the need for housing is sprawling, especially since the pan- demic; it’s time to check out some smaller markets and expand. I am sure there are some gems waiting to be uncovered.

Another strategy is for individual investors to start sourcing their own deals if they aren’t already. This way they are dealing directly with the seller and hopefully not competing with anyone else. Time will tell how long these hedge funds and institutional buyers will be out here. However, the power that smaller mom-and-pop inves- tors have is that they can easily piv- ot. Individual investors have the abil-

ity change course more quickly than large, oftentimes more bureaucratic organizations. Individual investors were here before, and they will be here in the future! •

Author of Flip the Switch from Real Estate Agent to Real Estate Investor, Lorraine Beato is an Atlanta, Georgia Realtor specializing in single-family

residential homes, investment acquisitions, and upscale renovations. She is also a former appraiser.

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