General Protocol
All regular and part-time salaried employees are eligible for paid holidays at the regular rate of pay for such employee. The School also has several procedures regarding paid and unpaid leaves of absence. The first section covers paid leaves of absence, which is followed by the section governing unpaid leaves of absence. The School will take seriously any disregard for these policies, including non-compliance of required procedures, misrepresentation of reasons for leave, using time off days for personal vacation during the school year, taking personal days during “black out” days, overuse of personal days, or assumptions about or the taking of time off without prior agreement between employee and school. Procedures for faculty absences when ill and arranging for substitutes are outlined in the section on “Faculty Absenteeism.”
Paid Holidays
All employees will be paid for the following holidays that fall on the employee’s regularly scheduled work days, but may be required to work based upon the needs of the School. The following paid holidays will be observed:
New Year’s Day
Martin Luther King Day
• Passover—for those days the school is scheduled to be closed
Shavuoth—2 days
Memorial Day
Independence Day
Labor Day
Rosh Hashanah—2 days
Yom Kippur
Succot—2 days Shemini Atzeret Simchat Torah
• Thanksgiving—for those days the school is scheduled to be closed • Winter Break—for those days the school is scheduled to be closed
For year-round employees, when Independence Day falls on a Saturday, the employee will receive the preceding Friday as paid leave; when it falls on a Sunday, the employee will receive the following Monday as paid leave. Employees will not be compensated for religious holidays that occur on a non-working day such as a weekend. Other listed holidays falling on a weekend will be paid only if the employee’s regular work schedule includes the holiday. Full-time and part-time teachers, teaching assistants and aides shall be entitled to holidays based on the School calendar. Where the School calendar differs from previously mentioned secular or religious holidays, the School calendar will prevail.
Time Off Policy
“Time Off” refers to both sick days and personal days. Personal days are not “vacation days,” and such requests will not be approved. Personal days are days the employee must take off for any number of non-medical personal
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