6) attorneys and other legal matters of significant consequence which cannot be handled other than during the applicant’s regular working hours; 7) personal financial affairs of significant consequences (e.g., home mortgage); 8) wedding of an immediate family member; 9) to accompany a child on a college visit for purpose of deciding which college the child will attend; 10) events of religious significance, such as a bar/bat mitzvah of an immediate family member or relative, when such attendance requires significant travel that intervenes on the school calendar days. Requests for special personal days should be provided to the Principal at least two weeks in advance of the planned absence for non-emergency situations; however, every effort should be made to notify the School as far in advance of the proposed absence as possible. If, in the School’s judgment, the employee is negligent in forwarding a leave request in a timely manner for non-emergency situations, the School may determine the leave to be unpaid. Regular Personal Days: Regular personal leave is personal leave utilized by the employee for personal reasons, including time off for community volunteering, and requested in accordance with the following guidelines: • A statement requesting personal leave must be submitted to the Principal or Director at least three days in advance of the planned absence. • If an emergency arises, the three (3) day advance notice provision may be waived upon notification to the Principal/Director of the emergency and his/her subsequent approval. • The decision to grant the personal leave will include the School’s determination on whether sufficient and appropriate coverage can be secured and whether the absence will not compromise the quality continuation of the School’s daily operations. • Regular personal leave may not be utilized during the first two weeks of school, the final two weeks of school, for the two days prior to Winter Break and Passover Break or two days following Winter Break or Passover Break, on the day before or the day after all other national or religious holidays, or to work at another job. Also, no more than two members of the teaching staff in a division (ECC or K8) may be on personal leave at the same time, unless such personal leave by one or more is deemed to be “special” as outlined above. • Non-compliance with these procedures or the taking of regular personal days during the time frames outlined above will result in a payroll deduction equivalent to the employee’s regular pay calculated for the duration of the absence. In addition, unwarranted and unapproved personal days can result in a poor performance review and may also lead to non-renewal of contract. Any personal leave situation that falls outside the scope of the above explanations and procedures, such as the taking of vacation days, or the taking of sick days without verification when requested, or the taking of either sick or personal days beyond the allowable as outlined in the sections below, will not be paid for and will result in a payroll deduction equivalent to the employee’s regular pay calculated for the duration of the absence.
Paid Leaves of Absence
Paid bereavement leave of up to three (3) days will be granted when a death occurs in an employee’s immediate family. Immediate family is defined as the parent, step-parent, spouse, child, step-child, brother, step-brother, sister, step-sister, grandchild or grandparent of the employee or employee’s spouse. In case of family members other than those listed above (aunts, uncles or first cousins), employees may take one (1) day of paid bereavement leave to attend the funeral (based on the employee’s normal working hours). Employees must notify their immediate supervisor immediately of the death and the dates of the employee’s absence from work.
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