Microsoft Word - Employee Handbook 2021-2022

Board of Directors


Friends of the school Neighbors of the school Other schools in the area

Jewish Federation of Greater Dallas


General Public

School Community


A Level One Crisis is a personal tragedy or threatening incident primarily affecting a single member or family in the school community. Examples include death of a parent, guardian, or other significant family member; suicide threat; rumor of highly contagious disease; violent behavior of a student or staff member; or assault on a student, teacher or staff member. A Level Two crisis may be defined as a major personal crisis, threatening incident, or major disaster that indirectly impacts the school. Examples include accusation of school personnel being involved in illegal activity; accident resulting in severe injuries to several people; suicide attempt off-campus; or national incidents such as political assassination or war. A Level Three crisis may be defined as a crisis that has a direct and profound impact on the school community. Examples include death of a student or teacher, natural disaster, suicide at school, cluster suicides, community epidemic, taking of hostages, or terrorists’ acts. All levels will have the same response protocol as follows:

 Incident Commander or Administration identifies and verifies crisis.  Incident Commander notifies and schedules meeting of Crisis Team.  Crisis Team plans immediate response and prepares faculty statement.

 Crisis Team notifies faculty & staff by mass text and email, or in some circumstances via face-to-face communication in a stand-up meeting, explaining the crisis and their role in the plan.

 Incident Commander activates Information Center.

 Incident Commander contacts appropriate staff members and arranges security.

 Crisis Team generates prepared statement and plans for status of school, such as closure, or re-opening.

 Crisis Team assesses counseling needs of school community.

 Incident Commander schedules a meeting to evaluate the current plan, discuss new information, and plan for any additional action or revisions.  Communications from school officials to faculty/staff continue as necessary and to the greater community as necessary, with updated information.

 Faculty and Students follow schedule prepared by Crisis Team.  Crisis Team reconvenes and plans for additional action or revisions.  Incident Commander schedules an evaluation meeting.  Incident Commander submits a report to Crisis Team.


The following are summaries of action plans that will be followed in specific situations. All staff, faculty and students will be expected to follow these guidelines.

Situation 1: Military action (war) limited to the Middle East

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