1. 2.
Maintain normal school activity Heighten campus security
Situation 2: Terrorist action in the United Sates
1. 2. 3. 4.
Maintain normal school activity Heighten campus security
Restrict campus access
Suspend off-campus student privileges
5. Allow students to leave campus with parental permission only 6. Make decisions regarding extra-curricular activities
Situation 3: Terrorist action in the Dallas – Ft. Worth Metroplex area
1. 2. 3. 4.
Maintain normal school activity Heighten campus security
Restrict campus access
Suspend off-campus student privileges
5. Allow students to leave campus with parental permission only 6. Make decisions regarding after school and extra-curricular activities 7. Be prepared to lock down campus 8. In the event the campus evacuation is ordered, students will be instructed to assemble via the standard fire drill procedure and will be escorted to the designated nearby disaster center.
Situation 4: Terrorist action in the Dallas area involving biological or chemical weapons
Lock down campus immediately
2. Suspend classes, seal and lock down classes and buildings (students may be directed to the gymnasium) 3. Shut off all HVAC units immediately 4. Suspend all off-campus privileges 5. Allow student to leave with parental permission only 6. Suspend all extra-curricular activities
1. The school has on hand stored amounts of food and water, first aid kits and battery-powered radios and lights 2. Parents are encouraged to supply back-up medication(s) for storage
Blood borne Pathogen Exposure Policy
Ann and Nate Levine Academy is concerned about employees who may be exposed to blood and other bodily fluids when rendering first aid. The school has a written Blood borne Pathogen Exposure and Control Plan in place. It includes information regarding who is identified as being at risk, Hepatitis B vaccines, training and recordkeeping. This plan is reviewed with all employees who are in positions that have been identified at risk of exposure to Blood borne pathogens. The following is a summary of procedures to follow when first aid or cleanup of fluids becomes necessary. Any materials, including latex gloves and CPR Micro-Shields, used in administering first aid should be discarded in the red biohazard bags located in the School Nurse’s Office and the aid procedure. If there is exposure to Hepatitis B at the school, medical treatment and vaccine will be offered at no cost to the employee. The red biohazard bags will be picked up by special arrangement with the local waste management company on a regular basis. Employees who have questions about this policy should contact the School Nurse for more information.
Child Abuse and Sexual Molestation Prevention & Reporting
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